“PRINCE ESMEE” is the winner of:
1 National S4 Sens 8.762
1 NPO Sens 4.666
1 NPO Morlincourt 8.939
2 National S4 Morlincourt 17.506
“MANU” is the winner of:
4th National Ace Long distance WHZB 2018
1 National s4 Chateauroux 3.647 (fastest pigeon National s2, s3, s4 of 19.192 pigeons !)
1 NPO Bourges 5.877
1 Sens 1.069
“GERMINY” is the winner of:
1 NPO Blois 2,310
2 NPO Bourges 4,814
3 NU Bourges 14,226
6 NPO Bourges 4,118
7 NU Blois 5,967
15 NPO Issoudun 2,895
18 NU Issoudun 6,604
“GERMINY” has become an even better breeder and is the current #1 breeder of R.A BAkker & Zn !
“GERMINY” is the father and (gr)grandfather to a.o. :
1. Nat. Ace PiPa ranking middle & long distance 2022
1 NPO Pt St Maxence 6,103
1 NPO La Ferte St Aubin 4,435
1 NPO Chateauroux 2,292 ( = 2 National s3 Chateauroux 7,541)
1 NPO La Ferte 3,493
1 Lessines 12,222
1 Pt St Maxence 11,844
1 La Ferte Bernard 4,435
2 NPO Salbris 5,780
2 Provincial Sens 4,884
2 Roye 6,987
3 Etroeungt 18,760
5 Semifinal OLR Pattaya
7 NPO Fay au Loges 4,050
10 Roye 6,987
10 Sens 3,994
11 Nanteuil 9,445
11 Pt St Maxence 9,142
14 Pt St Maxence 11,687
16 NPO Salbris 3,829
16 Pt St Maxence 6,103
17 Sens 3,994
18 Duffel 7,272
19 NPO Salbris 3,829