Today two auctions will finish at 15:00 and 15:15 CET…
One Marathon auction from Benno Kastelein and one long distance/allround auction from J. Doldersum & Son. Both fanciers offer youngsters from the very best they have: Long Distance NPO winners, best breeders (who have bred 2,2,4,4,4,6,6,8,9 NPO..!), multiple 1st price winners, 3.NPO x 11 & 13.NPO, 1.National, etc.
At Pigeoncom we always have the privilege to handle the best of the best, because every fancier is proud to auction from his VERY best … as far as they are concerned it is very worthwhile to make other fanciers feel great with their new purchases. In that respect we often have a lot of really nice pigeons in our hands, which is really a pleasure. In this case we have a few youngsters in the aviaries again wich are of outstanding quality. We will not mention all of them, but we will put two extraordinary pigeons in the spotlights:
From Benno Kastelein – Hengelo
Lot.2 NL 16-1165947 “Red Silver” daughter “Silver Lady” 1st Nat. Cahors 5.028 birds!!
Sire : NL 14-1562778 – “Rode Lichtoger”
Great pigeon with a super pedigree. He is bred from an inbred grandson of “Olympic Miss Gijsje”, the super racing hen from Arjan Beens paired to “Zus Limoosje” directly from thegolden breeding couple of Harold Zwiers, Den Ham who’s offspring win: 1st, 1st, 2nd, 4th. 6th. 7th. 7th. 9th, 9th NPO, etc, etc.
“Rode Lichtoger” is also a grandson of the meanwhile very famous breedingcock of Jelle Jellema “430 Olympic Miss Gijsje” who bred:
3e Int. Narbonne,
9e Nat. Perpignan,
10e Nat. Barcelona,
13e Nat. Marseille,
22e NPO St Vincent,
27e Nat. Perpignan.
Dam : NL 14-1562767 – “Silver Lady” 1st Nat. Cahors
“Silver Lady” was an outstanding pigeon from Benno Kastelein as she won:
17th NPO Aurillac
9th NPO Limoges
1st Nat. Cahors sect. 3 against 5.028 pigeons and fastest of 12.917 pigeons overall!!
She was bred out “Nico” direct Nico Leferink paired to “Silky” granddaughter to “Zus Limoosje” Harold Zwiers, Den Ham from the line of “1336” x “Morsie”, the famous breedingcouple only bred winners: 1st, 1st, 2nd, 4th. 6th. 7th. 7th. 9th, 9th etc. NPO.
From J. Doldersum & Zoon – Almelo
Lot 2 NL17-1704683 son “Lightening” 1st NPO Niergnies 7.989 birds!!
Sire : NL 16-1135752 – “Lightening” 1. NPO Niergnies
1st NPO Niergnies Dpt.9 against 7.989 pigeons and already father to :
10.Quievrain 2.928 b,
26.Boxtel 2.731 birds.
“Lightening” is a (half)brother to:
6.ACE YB Combine,
4.Asse Zellik 1.347 b,
5.Heusden-Zolder 2.228 b,
7.Strepy Th. 1.198 b,
11.Moeskroen 4.001 b,
12.Heusden-Zolder 7.190 b,
17.Boxtel 2.645 b,
19.Asse Zellik 1.347 birds etc.
Bred from the superbreeding pair “Storm” x “Mega Mindy”. “Storm” was basketted 20 times and won 7x1st price and 2x TXT incl: 2.NPO Hasselt against 22.372 birds!! “Mega Mindy” won also 3x1st price incl: 1.Boxtel 2.305 birds and she is the mother to 1.Quievrain against 20.566 birds!! “Mega Mindy” is bred from “Storm JR”, a son of the superbreeding pair “Storm” x “Mega Mindy” and “Sister Kromo” full sister to winners of 2, 4, 4, 9.NPO and also to 7.National Ace WHZB and she is a full daughter to 1.National Blois 3.290 birds and 13.Haasrode 18.043 birds!!
Dam : NL 15-1198610 – Half/Sister 8x FIRST PRICE
Half/Sister of 4.NPO Sens by “Bruce”, 7.NPO Issoudun by “Led Z”, 9.NPO Issoudun by “Balbo”, 11.NPO Tours by “Milan”, 14.NPO Chateauroux by “Wodan” and 1.Quievrain 20.566 b, 1.Duffel 651 b!!!
Her nestbrother, the “611” is father to:
1.NPO Niergnies Dpt.9 7.989 b,
11.Moeskroen 4.001 b,
12.Heusden-Zolder 7.190 b,
39.Fontenay 1.188 b,
41.Niergnies 3.760 birds.
The “15-610”, is already mother to : 10.Quievrain 2.928 b, 26.Boxtel 2.731 b, 41.Asse Zellik 1.347 birds. She is bred from the superbreeding pair “Storm” x “Mega Mindy”!! (See “Lightening”). What a nice inbred young cock to core of the very best pigeons of this family Doldersum!