Philip Geerdink – Hoogerheide ** 3rd ZLU Champion Champions League 2019 **
When Philip settled in Hoogerheide in 1994, he could not have imagined that he would be part of the Noord-Brabant long distance elite in just five years. The success story started after the purchases from Jac. van der Wegen from De Heen and the purchases three years in a row at the long distance champion Jac. van Dijk from Steenbergen, who had built his lofts with pigeons from neighbour Jan Ernest and Toon Ligtenberg. One after the other unimaginable result was conjured up by Geerdink, with 2003 as the highlight, when Philip was at teletext 4 times with 4 prizes in the first 10 National at the extreme long distance !!!
It was the beginning of a highly succesful decade and Philip won with a limited number of widowers many crystal jars at the ZLU almost every year, often with more than 50% in the prizes. Even a cowardly theft in December 2000, when his three best long distance cracks and all his breeding cocks were stolen, could not stop this. Philip continued undisturbed in winning international top prizes in the extreme long distance, stood on many stages and won no less than four 1st National Ace pigeons in the extreme long distance and even a 1st International Ace pigeon Perpignan (Pipa) 2009-2011 with CONTADOR.
His competitors nicknamed him: MISTER PERPIGNAN for his unrivaled range of prizes at Perpignan. Take a good seat, because from 1999 Philip won from Perpignan: 3 – 3 – 10 – 10 – 12 – 15 – 18 – 24 – 27 – 35 – 37 – 39 – 46 – 46 – 53 – 62 – 72 – 77 – 79 – 81 – 83 – 85 – 85 – 91 – 93 – 100 national (without duplicates).
Who does not know his ZWARTE DAX, a legend in his life, with no less than three National winners and three National Ace pigeons long distance ZLU among his descendants. When it turned out that his offspring in his own loft and with other fanciers made for so many successes, he was appointed by Philip as stock pigeon A of his colony.
ZWARTE DAX won himself:
3 National Dax ZLU 9,404 ’03
10 National Perpignan 5,890 ‘03
27 International Perpignan 16,800 ‘03
30 National Dax ZLU 5,617 ‘02
50 ZUF Dax 979
438 National Dax 14,226 ’02
170 ZUF Bordeaux 1,912 ’02
602 Brabant2000 Bordeaux 7,886
1st Gouden Crack Marathon FZN ‘03
1st Ace pigeon international flights IFC Hoogerheide ’03
Best pigeon ZLU 2003
ZWARTE DAX became the stockpigeon of the colony of Philip Geerdink and the (ggr)father of a whole arsenal of top prizes: 1 – 1 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 3 – 8 – 10 – 10 – 10 – 21 – 30 – 30 – 37 – 37 – 38 – 45 – 46 – 57 – 60 – 66 – 70 – 85 – 86 – 92 – 94 national, without duplicates !!!
ZWARTE DAX is the father of TARAN: 1st National Ace Pigeon Perpignan ZLU 2010-2014 and the grandfather of BLUEBOY: 1st National Ace Pigeon Narbonne ZLU 2013 and 2014.
Stock pigeon B is unquestionably the JONGE STAALOGER, a direct pigeon from Jac. van der Wegen from his Parel dynasty, who has achieved many Barcelona successes at the van der Wegens. We can also record a national winner among his offspring. The JONGE STAALOGER has many pigeons among his descendants who have won top prizes in national and international classics, take a look: 1 – 2 – 3 – 15 – 17 – 18 – 22 – 24 – 29 – 30 – 35 – 39 – 42 – 43 – 48 – 57 -57 – 75 – 77 – 78 national.
JONGE STAALOGER is the father of RAFAËL: 2nd National Ace Pigeon Bordeaux 2007-2010, 3rd Nat. Ace Pigeon Narbonne 2008-2010 (in total 14 Ace Pigeon Top-10 ZLU prizes on Narbonne and Agen / Bordeaux) and CRACKSKE 372: 7th Best Marathon Pigeon NPO and 8th WHZB Long Distance 2006.
JONGE STAALOGER is the grandfather of: 2nd International Bordeaux jrl. 2008 from Martijn de Groot and from STIEN, 1st Ace Pigeon Marathon Noord 2008-2010 from Jos Pepping.
WITPEN SOUS is the third pillar on which the PHILIP GEERDINK colony is built. This beautiful dark-whiteflight cock, originally Jan Ernest from the line of his famous PAUDOFFER, was a crack on the marathon flights but is still frequent in many Philip Geerdink pedigrees today.
WITPEN SOUS is the winner of:
24 National Perpignan 5,890 ’03
53 International Perpignan 16,800 ’03
65 National Bordeaux 7,886 ’02
93 National Perpignan 6,300 ’05
320 National Dax 9.404 ’03
632 National Barcelona 7,875 ’04
682 National Perpignan 4,719 ’06
1229 National Perpignan 7,645 ’04
1454 National Barcelona 6,777 ’06
1611 National Barcelona 7,499 ’05
WIPEN SOUS is father of CONTADOR: 1st National (ZLU) and 1st Internat. Ace Pigeon Perpignan (Pipa) 2009-2011 and SNUITJE: 3rd Nat. Perpignan 2012.
It is well known that many pigeon fanciers at home and abroad have succeeded enormously with Philip’s pigeons. Take a look at the long list of references. Think for example of Perpignan 2017, when Pieter Woord from Urk, with his LEONTINE, won the 1st prize National and International. From mother’s side we see ZWARTE DAX twice in her pedigree. Stagnation means decline, this also applies to our pigeon sport. After many successful years, Philip also saw the necessity of investing and bought some direct Jellema pigeons at the source and afterwards from pigeon fanciers with the same pigeons at the base, such as: F.S. Kramer, Harold Zwiers and breeding center Friesland. For the sake of completeness, there are still some excellent pigeons of the Arjan Beens type via First Price Pigeons in his lofts.
The new input is the cherry on the pie in this renowned long-distance loft on Ossendrechtseweg. A son of JONGE TEUN directly from Jellema, in crossing with a granddaughter of the JAN of Arjan Beens, already won a 3rd prize from Bergerac in Brabant 2000 in 2016. Last season, PEPAN, a grandson of JONGE TEUN, won the 3rd national prize Perpignan against 3.778 pigeons with as cracker winning the 3rd prize INTERNATIONAL Perpignan against 12.339 pigeons! The Geerdink pigeon is easy to cross, his reference list is the very convincing proof of this!
Some of the best achievements of the Philip Geerdink loft from the past seasons include:
2017 Pau ZLU 15 National against 3,526
2017 Pau International 16 against 11,285
2017 Agen ZLU 43 and 48 National against 5,930
2017 Agen International 94 and 105 against 13,030
2017 Perpignan 39 National against 4,789
2017 Perpignan International 94 against 14,682
2018 Agen ZLU National 78 against 5,754
2018 Perpignan ZLU National 3 against 3,778
2018 Perpignan International 3 against 12,339
2019 Narbonne National 19, 63, 119 (3/4 old birds and 4/5 yearlings in the international chart) against 3.829
In 2019, Philip basketted 45 pigeons on the international marathon flights and won 27 prices which means 60% !!
The most beautiful top 10 references obtained with the blood of the pigeons from Philip Geerdink:
1st internat. Pau 11,714 ’18 (P. Woord)
1st internat. Perpignan 14,682 ´17 (P. Woord)
1st national Dax 8,872 ’12 (Comb. Zegers-Bruggeman)
1st national Barcelona (B) 13,503 ’09 (A. Vangronsvelt)
1st national St. Vincent dvn. 704 ’13 (Cor Schermer)
1st internat. Bergerac 5,108 ’03 (Menne & dtr.)
1st provincial La Souterraine 2,928 ’14 (A. Paassen)
2nd national Pau 3,124 ’13 (Cees Suijkerbuijk)
2nd internat. Barcelona 27,630 ’09 (A. Vangronsvelt)
2nd national Bordeaux jrl. 4,895 ’08 (M. de Groot)
2nd internat. Bordeaux jrl. 9,027 ’08 ( Groot)
3rd internat. Pau 6,553 ’06 (Menne & dtr.)
3rd national St. Vincent ZLU 3,294 ’13 (Cor Schermer)
4th internat. Perpignan 3,778 ’18 (Jaap Mazee)
4th national St. Vincent 1,085 ’12 (B. de Vries)
4th national St. Vincent 13,020 ’09 (G. Kouters & Zn)
4th national Narbonne 3,816 ’08 (B. Liplijn)
5th national Carcassonne 3,167 ’06 (Jan Dekkers)
5th National Agen 7,125 “16 (Corné Backx)
7th internat. Perpignan jrl. 4,666 ’05 (J.F. Somers)
8th national St. Vincent 4,277 ’12 (de Groot-Leijen)
8th national Tarbes 7,759 ’12 (Comb. Zegers-Bruggeman)
8th national Barcelona 6,909 ´13 (F. van Sliedrecht)
8th national Montauban 18,668 ‘09 (Corné Backx)
9th Brab.2000 Bergerac 2,366 ’16 (Corné Backx)
10th national Dax 11.753 ’11 (Corné Backx)
1st W.H.Z.B. Long Distance in 2012 (G. Kouters & Zn)
1st Ace pigeon long distance Marathon Noord ’08 -’10 (Jos Pepping)
2nd Ace pigeon multi-day long distance Noord-Holland ’08 (Jos Pepping)
2nd National Champion multi-day long distance ‘11 (Alb. Nuij)
3rd Ace pigeon multi-day long distance Noord-Holland ‘03 (Ronald Geerdink)
Note: Sex of the birds is believed to be correct by Philip Geerdink, but not 100% guaranteed.