Antoon van der Burg:
1st National Champion Middle Distance 2018 nominated
& 11th National Champion Allround WHZB/TBOTB 2018…!
It was a real super year for the maestro from Bergschenhoek, a topclass pigeonfancier for more than 30 years now, multiple times regional champion of the combine Rotterdam e.o., combine Midden Holland Oost and provincial Midden Zuid-Holland dpt 5. Since Antoon van der Burg has his pigeon colony freshened up twelve years ago with many direct Willem de Bruijn pigeons from this champ’s very-very best breeders, Antoon has been appearing every year at the national and provincial championships, he has several ace pigeon titles to his name and his best pigeons are very often in the upper regions of the WHZB / TBOTB competition. This turned into a real friendship between the two and Antoon returns to Willem every year to enrich his breedingloft ever since.
A few recent examples of Antoon van der Burg’s national toprankings are:
2nd National champion TBOTB…!!
4th National Ace Pigeon Long Distance TBOTB
6th National Ace Pigeon Yearlings TBOTB
8th National Ace Pigeon Long Distance WHZB
8th National Ace Pigeon Middle Distance WHZB
10th National Ace Pigeon Short Distance WHZB
12th National Ace Pigeon Short Distance TBOTB
15th National Ace Pigeon Middle Distance WHZB
In the past, Antoon’s topbird “012” won two provincial (NPO section 5, Zuid-Holland) races in 2011, against 14,669 and 11,778 pigeons respectively. In 2013, Antoon van der Burg won the 1st NPO Sens against 11,391 pigeons and 1st NPO Vierzon against 4,425 pigeons. In 2014 he became 1st long distance champion of the entire Province Zuid-Holland devision 5 (and thus beat ALL “big” lofts) and 1st not nominated middle distance champion of division 5 / West (for the third year in a row!). Excellent performance was also achieved in 2015. In region R.M.O., Antoon van der Burg was nominated 2nd short distance and 4th nominated, 1st middle distance not nominated and 2nd nominated, 4th nominated long distance, 3rd not nominated natour and 1st nominated 2nd nominated youngsters, 3rd general not nominated and 1st nominated and 1st emperor! In combine M.H.O (Midden Holland Oost) Antoon van der Burg became: 3rd not nominated sprint and 1st nominated, 2nd not nominated middle distance, 3rd not nominated natour and 1st nominated, 3rd General nominated and 3rd Emperor! For the 4th year in a row he became 1st not nominated middle distance champion of the entire Section 5 / Middle (300 members).
His earliest NPO prizes in the last few years are:
1st NPO Nanteuil 14.630 pigeons
1st NPO Vierzon 2.150 pigeons
1st NPO Mantes la Jolie 5.943 pigeons
1st NPO Sens 11,110 pigeons
2nd NPO Nanteuil 9.974 pigeons
2nd NPO Morlincourt 6.114 pigeons
2nd NPO Nanteuil 14.630 pigeons
2nd NPO Chateauroux 2.987 pigeons
5th NPO Chateauroux 2.987 pigeons
5th NPO Argenton 7.374 pigeons
5th NPO Pontoise 7.625 pigeons
6th NPO Argenton 5.841 pigeons
7th NPO Argenton 7.374 pigeons
Some wonderful results from those last years are:
5, 6, 9, 18, 20, 21, 66, 67, 80, 81, etc. against 3,073 pigeons (60/30)
2, 10, 11, 19, 20, 40, 45, 46, 48, 58, 64, 77, 81, 85, 86 etc. against 2.680 pigeons (58/40)
3, 17, 19, 24, 25, 35, 40, 80, 90, 94, 98, etc. against 3,088 pigeons (57/29)
1, 6, 8, 9, 16, 31, 34, 53, 54, 56, etc. against 2.765 pigeons (58/33)
3, 11, 25, 26, 47, etc. against 15.451 pigeons
10, 11, 30, 64, 66, 82, 96, 97, 99, etc. against 2.328 pigeons (56/23)
13, 14, 34, 35, 38, etc. against 3,937 pigeons
1, 8, 10, 12, 20, 42, etc. against 11.391 pigeons
1, 3, 4, 5, 10, 16, 20, 23, 30, 58, 59, 67, 75, 94, 95, etc. against 2.164 (51/33)
But also in 2018 there was absolutely no measure of the performance of the class pigeons from Bergschenhoek (where you, as a fancier, NEVER have a huge advantage due to the central location, the migration of the pigeons and under the influence of the wind!). Antoon van der Burg, a true all-round specialist again performed great last season of 100km – 650km with his old birds and his youngsters! Below are some of the most beautiful results of the past season:
13, 32, 62, 70, 71, 73, 76, etc against 6.191 youngsters (72/43) Peronne (255km)
6, 48, 50, 123, 140, etc against 7.151 pigeons (22/9) Chateauroux National Sector 2 (610km)
2, 10, 25, 31, 65, 89, etc against 9.238 youngsters (91/44) Duffel (100km)
7, 9, 10, 20, 21, 24, 42, 52, 53, etc against 4.609 old pigeons (24/24 !!) Duffel (100km)
6, 38, 78, etc against 5.841 pigeons (20/14) Argenton (638km)
5, 15, 26, 39, 58, 66, 91, 94, etc against 7,625 old pigeons (50/38) Pontoise (465km)
1, 6, 29, 31, 35, 36, 43, 53, 54, 65, 79, 94, etc against 3.338 old pigeons (52/24) Fontenay (454km)
3, 5, 14, 18, 24, 72, 73, 74, 77, 82, 94, etc against 12.484 old pigeons (55/44) Oudenaarde (145km)
Due to these overwhelming results in region R.M.O., Antoon van der Burg was 1st not nominated short distance and 2nd nominated, 1st middle distance not nominated and 1st nominated, 4th long distance not nominated and 2nd nominated, 3rd youngsters not nominated and 2nd nominated, 1st champion all races not nominated and 1st nominated! Antoon also has the 1st Acepigeon short distance and 1st Acepigeon long distance in 2018. In combine M.H.O (Midden Holland Oost) Antoon van der Burg became: 1st not nominated middle distance and 1st nominated, 5th not nominated long distance and 4th nominated, 5th not nominated youngsters and 2nd nominated, 1st General not nominated and nominated and 1st Emperor all races! For the 5th year in a row he became 1st not nominated middle distance champion of the entire Section 5 / Middle (M.H.O. 300 members). In the section Midden Zuid-Holland dpt 5 (400 members), Antoon became 1st Emperor middle distance, 4th emperor youngsters, 3rd emperor long distance (and 1st acepigeon long distance)! In NPO dpt 5 (2000 members) he became 9th Emperor overall. And to top it all of, Antoon van der Burg is crowned: 1st NATIONAL CHAMPION MIDDLE DISTANCE nominated and 11th National Champion overall WHZB/TBOTB.