Benno Kastelein, Hengelo, The Netherlands
The 51-year-old Benno Kastelein, succesfull businessman and succesfull pigeonfancier! Since Benno was a little boy he was always fond of pigeons and as a 7 year old he kept a few in a corton box in the backyard of his parents home. Nowadays things have changed, a super fine loft and great pigeons made him a succesfull marathon pigeons fancier who is definately winning much! Two National victories in a few years time and a whole bunch of early prices are shown at his resume.
Benno Kastelein contributes much to our beloved hobby/sport! Not only as a highly competative fancier, but also as the chairman of the VNCC and the National Marathon section. He wants not only the best for himself, but he clearly wants the best for the entire marathon part of the game, which he obviously loves so much!
Benno Kastelein is a personal “pigeonfriend” from many of us and from Jelle Jellema in particular and as a result of that friendship we should not be surprised that his loft consists of a large number of direct Jellema’s.
It all started back in 2003, when he purchased his first two pigeons from Jelle Jellema. The Jellema pigeons he bought in the old days have given Benno Kastelein’s loft an enormous boost and even nowadays we still see these pigeons appearing in the pedigrees, not only in Hengelo: BLAUWE KASTELEIN (Comb. Niks), MISTER KASTELEIN (Dekker en zn) and one of the best examples is BLAUWE BENNO (Jelle Jellema). This classy bird is one of the better pigeons at the Jellema loft and was bred by Benno. But surely it were not only Jellema pigeons responsible for the successes of Kastelein: in addition we see pigeons of Arjan Beens (Genemuiden, NL), Harold Zwiers (Den Ham, NL) and Herman Sabel (Hengelo, NL). Benno Kastelein won much, from 1st Provincial Orange till 1st National Cahors against 12.917 birds (with his wellknown SILVERLADY). This 1st National victory was clearly the “cherry on the pie”, as SILVERLADY won the 17th NPO Aurillac and the 9th NPO Limoges before on her first two races she was basketted for. It was certainly the highlight of his first chapter in Marathon racing. With the continueing purchases (as well as gifts and joint breeding) of Jelle Jellema pigeons (about which more later), his performances go sky-high and even higher. Benno has a solid and high quality base of breeders, which will ensure new talents uprising frequently.
After his total sales (because of moving to another house), Benno picked up his search for good pigeons to make a restart at his new address. Chapter 2 was started only 3 years ago: a new house, a new loft with new challenges! His aim was to restart with a Jellema based colony again. He bought a few, and he got a few (from his best pigeonfriends) during his restart a few years ago. His breedingloft now contains the best of the best from his friend Jellema with a.o. children of BLAUWE BENNO x ROMEE, ROMAN x RENA, NEW JADE 3 x SILVIA, INTEELT SAFFIER x MAUD, NEW JADE 1 x KLEIN KWEEKSTERTJE, ZOON ROMEE x DOCHTER SILVIE, ZOON MISS GIJSJE 430, son and daughter of SAAR, daughter of DIRKE, son of NEW WITBUIK x SILVIE, sons of MARNIX & LIVAI (topbreeders Jan Grootoonk), daughter of BARCELONA DUIVIN (Piet de Vogel) and children from ZILVERPENNE, BRENDA and LATE BLAUWE (Cees Nijdeken) … it is 100% sure that more great marathon success is guaranteed.
Highlights of the season 2018, for Benno Kastelein were definately:
1.National S3 Periqieux against 7.308 pigeons with POWER LADY
4.NPO Dax, 17.NPO Periqieux 2, 57.NPO Limoges with PRIMA DONNA (best pigeon at the loft in 2018)
6.NPO Periqieux with IRON MAN (100% price, 4x basketted for a marathon race in 2018!)
3x 1st NPO Marathon flight at Jan Grootoonk – Bant (dam direct B. Kastelein), Gerrit & Gaatze de Graaf (joint breeding with B. Kastelein) – Zwaagwesteinde en Benno Kastelein – Hengelo
2x 2nd NPO Marathon flight at Jan Grootoonk – Bant (dam direct B. Kastelein), Ton van Dusschoten – Hardenberg (sire direct B. Kastelein)
From all exclusive topbreeders mentioned above as well as from the three super marathon pigeons: POWER LADY, PRIMA DONNA and IRON MAN, Benno Kastelein has selected a superb group of pigeons for his auction at Pigeoncom. It is an auction we are very much looking forward to, as it is a pleasure offering such beautiful & talented pigeons!!
Note: Sex of the birds from 2018 believed to be correct by Benno Kastelein , but not 100% guaranteed.