Chris Mulder offers his direct Comb. Verweij – de Haan breeders !!
Chris Mulder offers his direct “VERWEIJ-DE HAAN BREEDERS” which he all got almost for free (besides his treat of a great dinner among the three pigeonfriends) and directly from the best pigeons of Comb. Verweij – de Haan (Mijdrecht). What’s the story behind all this?
Last year Chris Mulder re-started the pigeonsport with the help of his good friends Michel Verweij & Peter de Haan. He placed a small loft in his backyard and got about 20 old pigeons from Michel Verweij to breed youngsters from. He put the breedingpairs from Michel in a 1,2m small aviary and paired them. He bred a fantastic group of youngsters which he trained and raced from the small wooden loft which you can see on the picture. But now, the next season 2020….he needs space to fly with his 50 yearlings. In his wooden loft, which is only 3,5m, Chris will keep 25 pairs which he will race on the nest (natural system) and he definately does not want to expand and build more meters…! The small aviary will be the future young birds loft. So, Chris Mulder and Michel Verweij decided that Chris could offer the pigeons to us to organize an auction for his Verweij-de Haan breeders. That’s all – the whole and true story – it definately means a great opportunity for those who are looking for some of the best from the international Marathon champions: Combinatie Verweij-de Haan.
Introducing the champions from Mijdrecht is hardly necessary, but for those (?) who have not heard from them yet follows a short introduction.
Comb. Verweij – de Haan
The Verweij-De Haan combination is a famous name in the long distance racing in The Netherlands. In fact, the two fanciers Michel Verweij and Peter de Haan have each had a successful long distance career well before founding their combination in 2013. Peter had a team of pigeons that originated from Nico Volkens, and he was particularly successful in the ZLU competition. Michel on the other hand was racing together with Jan Castricum, and they had a collection of pigeons of Toon van Beek (a renowned player and winner of the Fondspiegel competition). His best results were won in marathon NPO races with an afternoon release. About ten years ago Michel and Peter decided to breed pigeons together, and their combination was officially formed in 2013, when Jan decided to no longer join Michel Verweij. Peter & Michel started racing as Combinatie Verweij-De Haan. Michel, with the help of his wife Sylvia, is mainly responsible for the racing team. They race with the pigeons from the nest (natural) in a loft of no more than nine metres wide. Peter is a highly proficient breeder, and so the breeding loft is his number one priority.
The breed itself
The team’s number one stock sire is DE TOON, a super class racing bird and an even better breeder. And his brothers and sisters have bred numerous talented racing birds as well. Many fanciers consider DE TOON as the best long distance pigeon ever to have existed in races of over 1,000km. Toon originates from the line of 131 of De Weert and is a direct Toon van Beek bird. A genuine Toon legacy has developed over the years, with his descendants achieving great results in their home loft as well as for many other long distance fanciers. The second important basic pigeon is OLYMPIC HEINTJE, who plays an equally crucial role in this pigeon family. This hen is originating from the line of VALE MARATHON (Jan Theelen), and won the title of 4th Marathon Pigeon worldwide in the 2007 Olympiad in Ostend. Another proven breeder in this breeding loft is SUPERKWEKER STET, a direct son of the famous “BETUWEKOPPEL”. Offspring won numerous super prices in the top-ten of the National Marathon races at many different lofts. Then there is BARRY from the Gebroeders Jacobs, another great breeder with many descendants winning top prizes at the hardest races. BARRY’s best son is BALLOTELLI, the international winner at Agen against more than 11.000 pigeons. And than, it is of equal importance to mention the influence of Peter de Haan’s pigeons, almost all direct Nico Volkens (Sam de Jong & Tan Theelen) as well as a topper from late Ben van de Peppel, the BLAUWE DAX. The best and most famous of them all is MILOS, a pigeon that originated in the old Peter de Haan strain. A superhero on the flights (he once arrived from a very hard Montauban as the only pigeon in the evening in Noord-Holland on the day of release against almost 2,000 pigeons) and now an icon in the breeding loft.
Combinatie Verweij-de Haan is constantly looking for super pigeons and superlines to cross with their own blood. They introduced children from Miss Gijsje, Snelle Jelle, Marianne & Rood Meisje from Arjan Beens for example. And if they know a very good pigeon somewhere they always try to get a hold of it and bring it to the breedingloft of Peter de Haan. This way they have an excellent collection of breeders! Still, DE TOON & MILOS bloodline continues to be the most fundamental part of both the racing and the breeding loft. What makes this breed particularly special is that they can win super early prizes both in the morning ZLU and afternoon NPO marathon flights.
It goes without saying that the fantastic collection of top class pigeons will inevitably lead to great results. As we said, the combination has been performing at a high level for several years now. They became internationally famous and belong to the top fanciers in Europe!
In this auction: direct (g)children from toppers: SUPERKWEKER STET, MILOS, JOEP, MESSI, RED ROSE but also children from MARIANNE (Beens), JOE FRAZIER (Kramer-Ouwehand) & 1st National Perpignan (van Wijk) !!