Comb. F.S. Kramer – C. Ouwehand
Exclusive auction of Fred Kramer & Cees Ouwehand ! One of the TOP EXTREME LONG DISTANCE LOFTS in Noord-Holland !
The year 2019 started with two very heavy setbacks for Fred and Cees. Both suffered from serious illness. Every effort was made to make it a great season with the help of their good friend Gerrit Neijzing. Although slightly different than planned in advance, a few (3) ZLU flights could still be basketed and they decided not to compete in any of the championships on beforehand. And yet they managed to peak fantastic again this year !!
Results on the 4 flights they basketted in 2019 (note: Cahors NPO was a “training” race for the younger/unexperienced birds):
13, 26, 27, 38, 41, 54, 85 NPO Cahors against 663 pigeons
14, 16, 40, 166, 205, 339 National Perpignan ZLU against 4,287 pigeons
108, 174, 265, 298, 401 National Narbonne ZLU against 3,829 pigeons
225, 232, 246, 322, 337, 439 National Pau ZLU against 3,785 pigeons
Distances to the Comb. Kramer-Ouwehand loft in Wormer, Noord-Holland, Netherlands:
Agen – 976 km
Albi – 978 km
Bergerac – 908 km
Cahors – 959 km
Pau – 1090 km
Tarbes – 1092 km
St. Vincent – 1081 km
Perpignan – 1087 km
Narbonne – 1049 km
Barcelona – 1249 km
Marseille – 1048 km
Prior to their definate switch to the ZLU flights in 2019 (caused by their serious health issues Fred and Cees will no longer basket for many NPO races anylonger. Most likely just for 1 or 2 NPO marathonflights in order to train and select the yearlings) Fred and Cees won in the period from 2012-2018 on both the NPO and ZLU races:
No less than 22 times teletext in the province Noord-Holland!
No less than 50 pigeons were classified in the first 20 in Noord-Holland on the NPO flights!
No less than 107 pigeons were classified in the first 50 in Noord-Holland on the NPO flights!
No less than 86 pigeons were classified in the top 100 in the sector or National!
Top 25 NPO from 2012:
1,2,2,2,2,3,4,4,5,6,6,6,7,7,7,7,8,8,9,9,10,10,11,11,13,14,14,15,15,15,16,16,17,17,17,17,17,18,18,19,19,20,20,20,20,21,21,21,22,22,23,23,24,25,25,25 !!
Top 55 National from 2012:
2,2,2,4,9,10,11,13,14,14,16,18,19,19,20,20,20,21,23,25,26,27,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,39,41,41,41,41,41,41,41,42,43,43,44,44,46,47,49,51,51,51,54,55 !!
In short, in recent years Fred and Cees have been working on building a fantastic breeding loft with an absolute leading role for their Topper JOE FRAZIER, which not only has had an impressive racing career, but has also delivered many top offspring. One can easily say that JOE FRAZIER is one of the best breeding cocks of marathonpigeons in The Netherlands in the last decade! The Kramers-Ouwehand breeding loft has since been built around JOE FRAZIER with a leading role for the top lines of Jelle Jellema with, among others, three children from ROMEE and children from the beautiful inbreeding daughter ZWART GOUD. They also have five children from the super breeder ORION, where the famous ORION still enjoys himself in Wormer at the loft of Kramer-Ouwehand.
In recent years, F.S. Kramer (-Ouwehand) used to be one of the best NPO/ZLU Marathon lofts in Noord-Holland, on beforehand F.S. Kramer always was one of the serious candidates for the 1st place….! Now they have chosen to aim for the ZLU flights (“only”), we are convinced that Comb. Kramer-Ouwehand will enjoy many more fine monents (have a look again at their phenomenal Perpignan 2019 result!).
When one is curious about these toppers at the marathon, please take a look at their website : www.topduiven.nl
For any questions one might have, please contact Anke Ouwehand : anke@ouwehand-design.nl
In this very exclusive auction, Fred Kramer & Cees Ouwehand offer 12 top youngsters from their VERY BEST BREEDERS, including a hyper exclusive, beautiful daughter to JOE FRAZIER & the last one EVERY AVAILABLE ONLINE from the next topbreeder NEW JOE !
All youngsters were bred in the summertime and can be paired immediately once at your lofts!!
Note: Sex of the birds is believed to be correct by Cees Ouwehand, but is not 100% guaranteed.