Combinatie Moespot – Gijzen, Zutphen


Combinatie Moespot – Gijzen is one of the best allround lofts in the NPO department 8. With their top strain of pigeons based on Louis van Loon, Comb. Verbree and especially Marcel Sangers they have won many titles and races in recent years.

Due to their very good friendship with Marcel & Brian Sangers the Combinatie Moespot – Gijzen have made a quality boost of their pigeon colony with Marcel Sangers’ very (!) best Van den Bulck pigeons! 


The top-results from Combinatie Moespot-Gijzen at the NPO (One Day Long Distance) races:

1 NPO Fay au Loges 5.735 in 2020 !

3rd National sector 3 Fay au Loges 14.036 pigeons !

2 NPO Bourges 3.629

3 NPO Melun 7.543

3 NPO Bourges 6.801

3 NPO Bourges 6.187

4 NPO Melun 7.543

4 NPO Bourges 5.856 in 2020 !

5 NPO-Z Chateaudun 1.641

6 NPO Chateaudun 3.417

7 NPO Fay au Loges 9.218 in 2020 !

7 NPO Chateaudun 3.272

7 NPO Chateauroux 3.046

9 NPO Gien 8.473

10 NPO Fay au Loges 5.735 in 2020 !

10 NPO-Z Issoudun 2.770

11 NPO Bourges 3.073

12 NPO-Z Chateauroux 2.108

13 NPO Blois 5.963

13 NPO Blois 2.659

16 NPO Orleans 7.332

17 NPO-Z Chateaudun 3.777

21 NPO Chateaudun 4.569

23 NPO Orleans 13.467


Some of the best results in 2019-2020:

Quievrain 5.903 : 3-14-71-etc. (24/64)
Soissons 4.750 : 8-9-33-37-64-etc. (24/45)
Chalons en Ch. 3.088 : 6-7-28-30-49-84-etc. (30/44)
Reims 1.651 : 23-29-44-49-66-70-etc. (18/29)
Chateaudun 2.115 : 7-15-50-59-etc. (17/41)
Chateaudun NPO Z 3.777 : 17-39-etc. (16/41)
Issoudun 1.584 : 6-14-19-29-46-49-52-58-etc. (23/41)
Issoudun NPO Z 2.770 : 10-21-32-56-88-92-96-etc. (23/41)
Chateauroux 1.293 : 9-23-25-26-32-47-50-etc. (15/38)
Chateauroux NPO Z 2.108 : 12-37-42-43-53-79-82-etc. (15/38)
Budel 4.373 : 10-12-33-48-53-73-74-78-80-81-etc. (45/60)
Niergnies 6.400 : 8-13-14-47-etc. (39/56)
Nanteuil 2.158 : 5-27-39-47-52-76-77-82-etc. (23/34)
Chalons en Ch. 5.141 : 14-15-57-66-86-etc. (34/54)
Orleans 2.639 : 7-18-71-89-99-etc. (19/46)
Orleans NPO 9.218 : 7-22-etc. (21/46)
Bourges 1.585 : 3-18-23-26-58-60-70-73-93-96-etc. (25/39)
Bourges NPO 5.856 : 4-62-78-94-etc. (23/39)
Orleans 1.445 : 1-9-17-30-40-44-45-etc. (15/34)
Orleans NPO 5.735 : 1-10-25-63-86-93-94-etc. (16/34)


Some really nice references from other fanciers with pigeons from Combinatie Moespot-Gijzen pigeons at other lofts are:

>> Mr. Schaftenaar from Harderwijk winner of: 1st NPO Pithiviers dpt 8 against 6.699 pigeons! 100% Moespot-Gijzen !!!

>> Han Immink from Rijsen raced with children from pigeons which he bought in 2017 at an online auction from Moespot-Gijzen. In 2018 the youngsters from these new Moespot-Gijzen entries won: 1st Weert against 538 pigeons (also 1st 8.605 pigeons) and the 1st Boxtel against 678 pigeons (also 21st 10.941 pigeons) !!!

>> Mr. Bolks bought the 16-1259884 and the 16-1259786 as young birds in 2016. From this pair he bred: 18-1473198, 18-1473199 and the 18-1473239.
In addition to other prizes, they fly on the disaster flight Gennep 1 and 7 against 163 pigeons in the club and the 1st arrival was 76 against 10.536 in the province. A few weeks later from Gennep 2 from the 3 youngsters won 2 & 3 against 210 pigeons in the club, 8 & 17 against 2.257 pigeons in the region and 33 & 64 against 9.990 pigeons in the whole dpt. They finished a very succesful season from Weert with 1 & 5 against 230 in the club and 16 & 72 against 1.947 and 35 & 237 against 8.660 in the dpt !!!

>> Chira, a topper at Marcel Sangers from Eefde wins the title 3rd Ace SD/Sprint Kring De IJssel after 2 loft mates in ’18 with the following topresults: 2 Nanteuil 2.168, 8 Quievrain 5.903, 8 Chimay 2.066, 9 Bierges 7.193, 13 Tienen 5.819 !!!

>> Viktor (mother is 100% Moespot-Gijzen) from the Combinatie Mantel wins: 5 National Ace Long distance WHZB TBOTB with a.o. 8 NPO Chalons 4.243 and 9 NPO Sens 8.921 !!!


This auction is a very exclusive auction from Comb. Moespot – Gijzen, who offer 5 exclusive Dirck van den Bulck pigeons from the super breeding & racing lines of Marcel & Brian Sangers – a unique pigeon is lot 1, a double grandchild to GOLD DUST !!


Note: Sex of the birds is believed to be correct by Comb. Moespot-Gijzen, but is not 100% guaranteed. The pigeons are vaccinnated against PMV. The pigeons from this auction are at Moespot-Gijzen and could be handled upon request and by seriuously interested buyers. FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT ARJAN MOESPOT.
Tel: (+31) (0)575-548485
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