The #1 allround loft in Oost Nederland! One of the best allround “one day long distance + marathon” lofts on the NPO races in The Netherlands !

Champions on the 400km – 1200 km races … !



Robert & Hans Seelen, brothers, have built up an awesome pigeon strain for the allround flights, the one day long distance and the marathon flights. They are always searching for very good pigeons ! Their pigeon stock is built up with pigeons from Appie Pas (“Fond Goud Oost” : “MR. GIJS” Arjan Beens), Cees Nijdeken (children of his toppers “BRENDA”, “SILVERPENNE” and the “LATE BLAUWE”) and super breeding hen “GOEDE 115” of Gerard van Tuyl. They also have very exclusive Jellema pigeons (children of “KLEINE JADE”, “NEW RENA”, “DIRKE”, “MG513” and grandchildren of “SILKE” & “RED BULLENS” from their friends Jan Morsink and Jelle Jellema) and since two years they have pigeons of the Gebroeders Jacobs (line “BARCA 621”, including a very exclusive child of the super pigeon “RED ACE“) on their loft. 

Hans and Robert Seelen created a top quality breeding loft and a racing team which was crowned (one of) the best in the East of the Netherlands in the last 10 years and Combinatie Seelen belong to the 10 best National NPO Marathon lofts since more than a decade!


Combinatie Seelen are also former winners of:

The Herman van der Velden trophy (best result National St Vincent + National Barcelona) Marathon Noord

1e GOUDEN DUIF Superstar Marathon Augustus

4e GOUDEN DUIF Superstar Marathon Juni

7th National Marathon champion

8th National Marathon champion

9th National Marathon champion

9th International/European champion Marathon DE DUIF

17th Best National Barcelona pigeon 16-17-18


1st Marathon champion NPO dpt 9 Oost-Nederland

1st Marathon champion NPO dpt 9 Oost-Nederland

1st Keizer Champion Marathon section 2 dpt Oost-Nederland

3rd Keizer Champion One day long distance Dagfond Club Twente Achterhoek

1st General Champion nominated and un nominated section 4 dpt 9 Oost-Nederland

1st General Champion nominated and un nominated section 4 dpt 9 Oost-Nederland

1st Marathon Champion nominated section 4 dpt 9 Oost-Nederland

2nd Marathon Champion un nominated section 4 dpt 9 Oost-Nederland

1st Marathon Champion nominated section 4 dpt 9 Oost-Nederland

2nd Marathon Champion un nominated section 4 dpt 9 Oost-Nederland

1st Champion One day long distance nominated section 4 dpt 9 Oost-Nederland

1st Champion One day long distance un nominated section 4 dpt 9 Oost-Nederland

5th Champion Marathon NPO flights nominated VNCC

1st NPO Chateaudun

5, 25 National Bergerac against 25.300 pigeons




                                          ***** THIS AUCTION IS ONE OF THE HIGHLIGHTS IN THE PIGEONCOM SEASON *****



Note: the sexe of the pigeons is considered correct by Combinatie Seelen, but is not 100% guaranteed.

For more information about the pigeons in this auction please contact HANS SEELEN.

Tel: (+31) (0) 612 602 494





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