These European extreme long distance top fanciers have selected a UNIQUE and very fine group of older breeders for their auction at Pigeoncom. Because of three main reasons they now auction their ORIGINAL SAARLOOS & ZOON pigeons from their precious breedingloft: 1) they have plenty of good offspring from these breeders 2) recently they have refreshed their breedingloft with a different strain of pigeons to mix with their Saarloos/Peiren pigeons 3) at the moment all cocks fertilize well and are in a perfect shape and condition!!
None of the breeders showed any health or fertilization issues so far, which means that Stephane Depasse and Jo Lardenoye are convinced that the new owners will have great pleasure of their new breeders for a long time.
In this auction of Depasse-Lardenoye they offer direct children of: “Witpen Barcelona”, “Prins Barcelona”, “Prins Bordeaux”, “D’n Arie”, “Nika”, “Blue Arrow”, “Barracuda”!!!
All pigeons are directly from the very best of the European Diamond winners 2017 A. Saarloos & Zn from Klaaswaal. Arie and Bert Saarloos from Klaaswaal are the European Marathontop! Bert and his father Arie were crowned “1st National Emperor Marathon ZLU 2013”, 6th National Emperor Marathon ZLU 2014, 3rd National Emperor Marathon ZLU 2015, 1st Europa Marathon 2014, 5th Europa Marathon 2015, 4th European Cupwinners 2014, 2nd Pyrenees Cup ZLU 2015, 8th West European Super Marathon (WESM) 2015, 3rd West European Super Marathon WESM 2016, 3rd West European Super Marathon WESM (8 nominated) 2017, 3rd West European Super Marathon WESM 2017!!
Arie Saarloos and son Bert have built themselves a colony of outstanding marathon pigeons, it has become a very solid and strong “inbred Noel Peiren (Zedelgem – Belgium) pigeons colony”! These marathon pigeons are performing at their best when flightconditions are hard! The foundation of their colony is formed by children of “De Apollo” and “De Artiest”.
The best from Noel Peiren – Zedelgem was coming to A. Saarloos & Zoon – Klaaswaal and the best from A. Saarloos & Zoon – Klaaswaal was coming to Depasse-Lardenoye in Wagnelee (Belgium) and Maastricht (Holland)!
It is worth mentioning that lot.1, which is a beautiful blue hen directly from the famous “Witpen Barcelona” (1st National Acepigeon Extreme Long Distance Fondspiegel ZLU 2010 from Saarloos & Zoon), comes with a grandson of both “Zoon Prins Barcelona” (the #1 breeder of Saarloos & Zoon) and “D’n Arie” (1st National Acepigeon Fondspiegel ZLU 11-12-13-14!!!).
A unique chance getting the best from A. Saarloos & Zoon. These pigeons are in a perfect condition and ready for immediately breeding new marathon champions at your lofts!