Familie Toom – Alblasserdam
The Familie (family) Toom consists of father Bart, his son Sebastiaan and Sebastiaan’s wife Heleen Toom.
They mainly have pigeons from Tim Hage from Woerden and Jan & Hanne Sas from Vosselaar in Belgium. Some years ago on the advice of friend Jan van Wanrooy there was a knock at the door of these Belgian pigeonfanciers who have only the best of the best from the international marathon champions loft Kurvers-de Weerd (Lei Kurvers-Henk de Weerd). With an accommodation of 5 meters for the old pigeons and a loft of 2 meters for the 60 youngsters we can count them among the small fanciers.
Bart has made a golden purchase there about ten years ago, because from the ten pigeons they bought….three were phenomenal! Untill now, it were these three pigeons which built the foundation of the great successes and victories of the Familie Toom.
It was the superb breedingcouple MESSI (grandson of the foundation breedingcock “874” from Lei Kurvers) x COBY (granddaughter of the 2nd National Barcelona in 2005) and the nestbrother of MESSI that have ensured that the Family Toom have penetrated the best Dutch fanciers of both the (faster) NPO races with afternoon releases as well as the very heavy International Marathon classics as almost all descendants from the Family Toom’s Golden Breeding couple are usefull till extremely good pigeons!!
Direct offspring of the before mentioned super breedingcouple win: 1, 1, 6, 8, 11, 13, 14, 17, 25, 26, 26, 26, 28, 30, 38, 39, 40, 51, 51, 60, 71, 93 National (Sector 2 and/or ZLU) and 1st National Acepigeon Agen ZLU 16-17-18, 4th National Acepigeon Sint Vincent ZLU 14-15-16 and 6th National Acepigeon Barcelona 15-16-17!!
1 National Agen 2013
1 National Cahors (morning release) 2014
6 National Bergerac 2017
8 National Bergerac 2015
17, 26, 51 National Agen ZLU 2017 (2nd National fastest 2 nominated)
25, 26 National Agen ZLU 2016
2017 was a super season for the Familie Toom as they were crowned:
– 3rd National Champion Extreme Long Distance/Marathon!!
– 4th W.E.S.M (West European Super Marathon) – 8 nominated
– 8th National Champion Extreme Long Distance/Marathon – 8 nominated
Highlights (top 100 National ZLU) of 2018:
49, 65 Nationaal Marseille
62 Nationaal Pau
27 Nationaal Agen
74 Nationaal Sint Vincent
1st National Ace Agen ZLU 16-17-18
Incredible results bearing in mind the small number of pigeons they have. Familie Toom, a tiny loft with huge performances!
In their spectacular auction the Family Toom offers 3 direct children of their phenomenal SUPERBREEDER MESSI .. !!! Furthermore, beautiful youngsters from his best daughters MAGIC PIA (mother 1st National Ace Pigeon Agen ZLU 16-17-18) and BLUE WONDER (6th National Ace Pigeon Barcelona 15-16-17) are offered and from very exclusive breeding together with a.o.
– a great daughter of SHERPA, 1st National Ace pigeon Barcelona(!!) of Arco van Vliet;
– a super daughter from “430 x EVI”, the two world famous Jelle Jellema pigeons;
– a daughter of MISS RIO, 1st National Agen winner from Tim Hage;
– superbreedinghen KWEEKSNOEPJE, daughter of the 5th National Ace Pigeon ZLU winning, among others: 19th National Perpignan, 42nd National St Vincent ZLU, 49th National Marseille (from Marien Orgers)
– a beautiful son of the “1st National Barcelona x 4th National Barcelona” (!!!) from Danny de Voogd;
– a very nice son from TIM, the winner of 1st National Cahors from Tim Hage !! SUPER QUALITY !!