The absolute ELITE of the INTERNATIONAL pigeonsport with hundreds of victories and dozens of NPO victories !!
The love for pigeon racing runs in the family. In 1985, uncle Piet van de Merwe introduced Peter to pigeon racing. Until then, Peter was interested in almost all animals. His real love for pigeons began when Peter caught an injured pigeon and cared for it until it was ready to fly home. From that moment on he lost his heart to pigeon racing.
His impressive beginnings (even as a youth member he already achieved a National victory, something that many pigeon fanciers dream of all their lives!) in the eighties and nineties were followed by countless successes and to this day the name of the Merwe is synonymous with the absolute top in the field of pigeon racing.
Peter married Nathalie and together they had daughter Gwen. With the family complete and the help of father Arie, Peter put everything aside to get the best pigeons and become the best pigeonfancier in the world and reach the highest possible level. Daughter Gwen clearly has her father’s genes, because besides the fact that she loves horses, she has lost her heart to pigeons and since the moment she stepped in the loft ! Daughter Gwen clearly has her father’s genes, because besides the fact that she loves horses, she has lost her heart to pigeons! From her first step in the pigeon loft, she “had the feeling” and excelled in caring for her father’s pigeons.
Gwen has been in charge of the pigeon colony for a few years now (with a helping hand from grandfather and under the watchful eye of father Peter) and her performances are of the same abnormally high level as those of her father at the time !
The most famous pigeon of all “Replay“
The inexhaustible class of their breeding loft
For years at the top of the Dutch pigeon sport performing extremely hard… it is only given to a few, but Peter & Gwen succeed miraculously. Their secret? “Class pigeons”… everything started with those well-known pedigrees such as “Replay”, “Gwen”, “Amigo”, “Replay Jr”, “Big John Jr”, “Nathalie”, etc… Most of these toppers have first shown their capacities on the races and afterwards they excelled on the breeding loft by passing on their flying capacities to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and further generations. Peter’s breeding strategy is simple, his answer is short and clear ”I will especially cross the children/grandchildren from the above-mentioned stock pigeons. Rarely will there be an inbreeding pairing. I look a bit at the type of each pigeon, and I do not know anything about the eye theory. The most important thing is the results “Good x Good” is in my opinion the ideal pairing and it is striking that some breeding lines pass on their winning genes much better than others.”
The Van de Merwe pigeons have the art to perform season after season on an unprecedented high level and now more than 30 NPO victories, dozens of national ace pigeons and many titles on provincial and national level adorn their palmares. When you see this, we really wonder how many did better in the history of Dutch pigeon racing!
Many of the pigeons in this auction are closely related to Jill and her family!
Just a few recent results to show the exceptional class of the “van de Merwe pigeons”:
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-13-19-28-32-35-38-43-46-47-50 NPO Fontenay 17.629 p.
1-2-3-5-6-7-8-9-11-13-14-35-37-38-40-44-51-56-60-61-78-99 NPO Roye 20.172 p.
1-2-9-12-13-15-17-55-83-84-90 NPO Blois 3.212 p.
1-2-5-7-8-10-11-25-26-28-41-42-43-45-47-49-73-76-80 NPO Pont st Max 12.240 p.
1-2-3-4-5-6-8-9-11-12-31-35-36-37-38-39 NPO Niergnies 3.393 p.
We are extremely proud to offer you 11 pigeons from the heart of the “van de Merwe” breedingloft in this great auction – definately one of our highlights this auction season ! Absolute topclass pigeons !
Note: the sexe of the pigeons in this auction is considered correct by Gwen & Peter van de Merwe, but is not 100% guaranteed.
For more information concerning the pigeons in this auction, please contact PETER VAN DE MERWE:
Tel: +31 (0)612 763 275
E-mail: petervandemerwe72@gmail.com