Jacob Poortvliet – Surhuizum
Check this out….!!
5.National Long Distance Acepigeon WHZB/TBOTB, with 14-901 “Leentje”
1.provincial Long Distance Acepigeon, with 14-901 “Leentje”
2.provincial champion General Long loft – MD + LD together (nominated birds)
2.provincial Young Acepigeon – Long Distance club, region East, with 14-901 “Leentje”
3.provincial Young Acepigeon, with 17-777, “777 Kaasboerinneke”
3.provincial Young Bird loft (nominated birds)
4.provincial champion General Short loft – SD + MD together (nominated birds)
10.provincial champion General Short loft – SD + MD together (not nominated)
1.champ. regional Keizer General-whole season, nominated and not nominated together (Eenheid)
1.champ. regional Keizer General-whole season, nominated and not nominated together (Walden)
1. champ. regional General-whole season, nominated birds (samenspel Eenheid – 16 clubs)
1. champ. regional Long Distance pigeon, with 14-901, “Leentje” (Samenspel de Eenheid – 16 clubs)
1. champ. regional Long Distance pigeon, with 14-901, “Leentje” (Samenspel D – 12 clubs)
1. champ. regional General Long (MD + LD together) – nominated birds (samenspel D – 12 clubs)
1. champ. regional Middle Distance Loft – not nominated birds, (samenspel D – 12 clubs)
2.National winner Gouden Duif short distance over the month May, with 3 nominated pigeons
3.National loft Youngsters Fondspiegel Cat. 2. (9. National Ace with New Wonder).
2-11-23 etc. price in Final of International Oneloftrace WG Mistrzow in Poland. (7. and 9. ace).
1. National Long Distance bird at WHZB/TBOTB (Nat. Comp.) with “Blue Princess”.
5. National ace Fondspiegel (=LD) with “brother Dan Dromer”, over 2014 + 2015. He won 8/8.
9. National Middle Distance loft (nominated birds) – 2015
National Acepigeons and National winners with “Poortvliet-blood in it”:
2007: 1. NPO Blois Afdeling 11 for Mr. H. v/d Linde against 5.656 pigeons (lines Topbreeder “Magic”)
2007: 1. NPO Duffel Afdeling 10 for Mr. R. Dalmolen against 8.019 pigeons (lines Koopman/Gaby)
2008: 1. NPO Orleans Afdeling 11 for Gebr. Limburg against 6.469 pigeons (lines Koopman)
2008: 1. NPO St. Quentin Afdeling 11 for Jacob Poortvliet against 13.472 pigeons (lines “Kannibaal”)
2011: 1. NPO Hasselt Afdeling 11 for Comb. Huizinga against 22.391 pigeons (lines Koopman)
2011: 1. National Lillers France for Jones & Gibson-England against 17.998 pigeons (lines “Charley”)
2011: 1. NPO Sens Afdeling 11 for Gebr. Limburg against 9.941 pigeons (lines Koopman)
2011: 1. NPO Pithiviers Afdeling 11 for Jacob Poortvliet against 7.385 pigeons (lines “Kannibaal” / “Zot”)
2013: 1. NPO Meaux Afd. 8 for Jacob Hop, against 5.855 birds (Line “Magic Wonder”/RJJ/Koopman)
2014: 1. National Saintes in England, for Mr. Dave Waterhouse, against 3.139 birds
2016: 1. NPO Quievrain Afd 11 for H. Marsman, against 12027 pigeons (lines “Olympic Ellen”)
2016: 1. NPO Chateaudun Afd 11 for H. Marsman, against 6562 pigeons (lines “Olympic Ellen”)
2005: 1. National Young pigeon at WHZB (lines Koopman / van Loon)
2007: 1. National Best Hen WHZB for Mr. A. Kors (granddaughter Topbreeder “Magic”)
2008: 1. National Day Long Distance pigeon NPO for Gebr. Limburg (lines Koopman)
2008: 1. National Old Bird in Servie, for Mr. Petrovic and Pavlovic (lines “Yildirim” / Vandenabeele).
2010: 4. National Old Ace at WHZB for Mr. N. de Jong (lines Koopman)
2010: 5. National Young Ace in Slowakije for Mr. L. Moravcik (Lines “Yildirim” – Koopman)
2013: 1. National Middle Distance bird (NPO) for Mr. A.v/d Vegt (lines Koopman / Vandenabeele/ “Geeloger”)
2013: 1. National Nominated Day Long Distance loft NPO for Y.v.Kammen (mainly “Arrow”-lines)
2013: 2. National Day Long Distance loft (NPO) for Mr. Y. van Kammen (mainly “Arrow”-lines)
2013: 2. International Ace Northern Union for Tj and J Elzinga (“son Lady Gaga” = Koopman)
2013: 4. Nat. Ace June in Germany for Mr. W. Meincke (Germany) with (gr.son “Olympic Ellen”)
2013: 5. National Ace Nat. Fondspiegel: 2011 – 2013 for Tj and J Elzinga (“son Lady Gaga”/Koopman)
2013: Pigeon of D. Waterhouse (England) is one of the best pigeons in England (100% Poortvliet)
2014: 1. National Day Long Distance loft (NPO) for Kroese/Helmholt (partly with Poortvliet pigeons).
2014: 5. National Middle Distance loft (NPO) for Kroese/Helmholt (partly with Poortvliet pigeons).
2015: 1. National Young bird WHZB for Dick Huizinga (grandson “Old Jacob”, a direct Poortvliet).
3. NPO Sens, 594 km. 5.481 pigeons in 2017
6. NPO Chimay, 373 km, 11.301 pigeons in 2017
10. NPO Chimay, 373 km, 11.301 pigeons in 2017
15. NPO Morlincourt, 459 km, 7.246 birds in 2017 (2.675-1)
16. NPO Chateauroux, 778 km, 3.348 birds in 2017 (557-1)
22. NPO Quievrain, 353 km, 13,332 pigeons in 2017
22. NPO Chantilly, 514 km, 13.160 pigeons in 2007
That…..is Jacob Poortvliet from Surhuizem! One of the greatest MD and LD lofts in The Netherlands.