Jan Grootoonk – Bant
Jan Grootoonk is one of THE big champions on the marathon flights! Jan Grootoonk has pigeons since the sixties and together with his brother they basketted their pigeons on a bike as they had no drivers license as teenagers. But it was a great time, like many of us will remember. Since 1979 Jan lives in Bant with his wife and 2 children, of whom his son Yoel races with pigeons too, together with his dad. Before the turn of the century Jan had allround/program pigeons and was amongst the champions always! He remembers that he once had the 1st National Ace pigeon Middle distance and 2nd National Ace pigeon Middle distance NPO/WHZB. Since Jan decided to start participating on the marathon flights (somehere around the year 2002), he went to Noord-Holland to buy his first extreme long distance birds. The strain of Nico Volkens (direct and via Terpstra-Koper) is the foundation of his current breedingloft. He crossed the Volkens (Sam de Jong/Bonte Koppel) pigeons with pigeons from Ad Pegels and his successtory was about to begin!
Jan Grootoonk’s most memorable championships from that time were:
1st Categorie 5 Nat. Fondspiegel 2009 !
2nd Categorie 5 Nat. Fondspiegel 2010 !
Jan is always looking for pigeons to cross with his Nico Volkens based breeders and over the years he introduced pigeons from Jelle Jellema (direct and via KC Friesland & van der Veer), Arjan Beens (direct and via Appie Pas & Henri Hoeks), Gebr. Limburg and Kramer-Ouwehand. Looking at the amazing results below, one can say that his search for the best pigeons only was very succesful.
Jan Grootoonk participated in 4 marathon races in 2020 with these results:
1, 4, 24, 35, 46, 80, 88, etc (17/34) NPO Limoges 1.860
13, 32, 48, 112, etc (13/26) NPO Perigueux 1.717
17, 65, 125 (3/6) NPO St Vincent
397, 720, 958, 968, etc (8/13) Agen ZLU 6.844
Highlights of previous years:
1 NPO | BERGERAC | 1.642 p (teletekst) 2019 |
1 NPO | CAHORS | 701 p (teletekst) 2019 |
1 NPO | DAX | 504 p (teletekst) 2018 |
1 NPO | BERGERAC | 1.043 p (teletekst) 2015 |
1 NPO S4 | LIMOGES | 2.672 p (teletekst) 2014 |
2 NPO | LIMOGES | 1.358 p (teletekst) 2018 |
1 NATIONAAL | BERGERAC | 2.767 p (teletekst) 2019 |
2 NATIONAAL | DAX | 814 p (teletekst) 2018 |
2 NATIONAAL | CAHORS | 3.128 p (teletekst) 2012 |
2 NATIONAAL | CAHORS | 2.265 p (teletekst) 2013 |
3 INTERNATIONAAL | PAU | 9.932 p (teletekst) 2016 |
3 NATIONAAL | CAHORS | 1.347 p (teletekst) 2019 |
3 NATIONAAL | CAHORS | 2.396 p (teletekst) 2014 |
4 NATIONAAL | BERGERAC | 2.767p (teletekst) 2019 |
4 NPO | BERGERAC | 1.642 p (teletekst) 2019 |
4 NATIONAAL | PERIQUEUX | 1.282 p (teletekst) 2018 |
4 NPO | PERIQUEUX | 699 p (teletekst) 2018 |
5 NATIONAAL | ST VINCENT | 1.123 p (teletekst) 2015 |
6 NPO | PERIQUEUX | 1.767 p (teletekst) 2019 |
7 NPO | PERIQUEUX | 1.767 p (teletekst) 2019 |
7 NPO | PERIQUEUX | 1.928 p (teletekst) 2018 |
7 NATIONAAL | CAHORS | 1.410 p (teletekst) 2016 |
7 NATIONAAL | BERGERAC | 1.353 p (teletekst) 2015 |
7 NPO | BERGERAC | 1.043 p (teletekst) 2015 |
8 NPO | DAX | 389 p (teletekst) 2019 |
8 NP0 | ST VINCENT | 635 p (teletekst) 2014 |
10 NATIONAAL | PERIQUEUX | 3097 p (teletekst) 2018 |
10 NATIONAAL | CAHORS | 3.128 p (teletekst) 2012 |
11 NATIONAAL | CAHORS | 2.095 p 2010 |
11 NPO | ST VINCENT | 635 p 2014 |
12 NPO | PERIQUEUX | 699 p 2018 |
12 NATIONAAL | ST VINCENT | 1.123 p 2015 |
12 NATIONAAL | CAHORS | 2.396 p 2014 |
13 NATIONAAL | PERIQUEUX | 2.697 p 2019 |
13 NATIONAAL | MONTAUBAN | 2.338 p 2009 |
13 NATIONAAL | ST.VINCENT | 1.101 p 2012 |
13 NATIONAAL | ORANGE | 1.809 p 2012 |
14 NATIONAAL | PERIQUEUX | 2.697 p 2019 |
14 NPO | ORANGE | 489 p 2019 |
14 NATIONAAL | PERIQUEUX | 1.282 p 2018 |
14 NATIONAAL | RUFFEC | 3.654 p 2012 |
14 NATIONAAL | ST.VINCENT | 1.196 p 2014 |
15 NPO | PERIQUEUX | 1.767 p 2019 |
15 NPO | PERIQUEUX | 699 p 2018 |
15 NATIONAAL | CAHORS | 3.128 p 2012 |
Without any doubt, Jan Grootoonk is one of the big names in the Dutch marathon pigeonsports. He built an own strain of pigeons by crossing his Nico Volkens/Sam de Jong stock pigeons with the modern Jellema/Beens pigeons and became very succesful by doing so, as the 2019-2020 results show:
1 NPO Bergerac
1 NPO Limoges
1 NPO Cahors
4 NPO Bergerac
4 NPO Limoges
6 NPO Periqueux
7 NPO Periqueux
8 NPO Dax
Jan Grootoonk selected 15 pigeons for his top auction at Pigeoncom – only from his BEST pigeons !! Note: the sex of the pigeons is considered correct by Jan & his son Yoel Grootoonk, but is not 100% guaranteed. All pigeons in this auction are in the loft of Jan Grootoonk in Bant. The auction winners are free to contact Jan and/or Yoel Grootoonk to arrange a date & time to collect their pigeons.
For more information (about this auction) please contact JAN GROOTOONK.
Tel: (+31) (0)683218500
E-mail: j.grootoonk@ziggo.nl