Jonny & Annemarie Ekkel had a super year in 2021! The following championships were won :
1st Short distance (not nominated) CC1 NPO Section East Netherlands
1st Short ditance (nominated) CC1 NPO Section East Netherlands
2nd Short distance (nominated) District 1 NPO Section East Netherlands
4th Short distance (not nominated) District 1 NPO Section East Netherlands
5th Speed (nominated) District 1 NPO Section East Netherlands
7th Speed (not nominated) District 1 NPO Section East Netherlands
6th Short distance (not nominated) Section/Dpt 9 East Netherlands
7th Short distance (nominated) Section/Dpt 9 East Netherlands
7th Loft Champion Section/Dpt 9 East Netherlands
5 times 1st in the club !
6th Semifinal Golden Algarve Portugal OLR with team Ekkel – Doldersum !
Best results in 2021 on the short distance races:
Beek en Donk: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 (26/28 pricecards)
Quievrain: 7, 8, 13, 42, etc against 1.725 duiven (10/14 pricecards)
Quievrain: 5, 6, 51, etc against 1.283 duiven (8/10 pricecards)
Chalons: 2, 3, 10, 19, etc (10/12 pricecards)
Weert: 10, 12, 14, 15, 24 against 2.281 pigeons
Tongeren: 9, 10, 14, etc against 1.792 pigeons
Arlon: 2, 7, 8, etc
References 2021:
• Fred Coetzer South-Africa: out of a son of a pigeon from Jonny Ekkel winner of the 1st provincial Bloemfontein 460km
• J. Doldersum and son Almelo: 10th Boxmeer CC Midden Twente with a full brother of “ANNEMARIE”
• Team Ekkel Doldersum: 44th Final Golden Algarve of which the mother is a full sister of “ANNEMARIE”
• G. Krake Enter: 1st Beek and Donk 3,176 pigeons CC2 dpt. East Netherlands and 5th against 10,736 pigeons
• A. Alberts Vriezenveen, with his 20-176 4 times top 10
• G. Hemmer Geesteren: 3rd Ace Middle distance CC3 dpt. East Netherlands (1st yearling)
Jonny & Annemarie Ekkel are the winners of 7th National Loft Champion – The Netherlands Cat. Young pigeons in ’20
Other highlights of 2020 were:
1st Semi Final Golden Algarve Portugal OLR (+ carwinner) – team Ekkel & Doldersum
4th Champion Short distance (all short & middle distance, young pigeons and autumn races!) CC1 NPO Section/Dpt 9. Oost Nederland
4th Grandmaster Section/Dpt. 9 Oost Nederland – Beek en Donk (“Grootmeester Spoor der Kampioenen” Competition)
1, 2, 21, 22 Duffel 2.290 – CC1 NPO dpt 9 Oost Nederland
1, 3 Duffel 7.024 – Kring 1 NPO dpt Oost Nederland
2, 3, 4, 5, 16, 17, 18, 19 Bierges 1.887 – CC1 NPO dpt 9 Oost Nederland
6, 7, 9, 14 Bierges 5.291 – Kring 1 NPO dpt 9 Oost Nederland
1st Champion Young birds (nominated) – CC1 NPO dpt 9 Oost Nederland
2nd Champion Young birds – CC1 NPO dpt 9 Oost Nederland
1st Champion Young birds (nominated) – Kring 1 NPO dpt 9 Oost Nederland
3rd Champion Young birds – Kring 1 NPO dpt 9 Oost Nederland
1st Champion Autumn races – Kring 1 NPO dpt 9 Oost Nederland
2nd Champion Young birds (nominated) – dpt 9 Oost Nederland
6th Champion Young birds – dpt 9 Oost Nederland
The absolute icon of the loft – ANNEMARIE is the winner of:
>> 1st National Ace (young pigeons) of The Netherlands W.H.Z.B. /T.B.O.T.B. <<
> 1st Ace Short distance (young birds) – Kring 1 NPO dpt 9 Oost Nederland <<
Jonny Ekkel offers 7 pigeons in this very very selective top auction – all related to ANNEMARIE and HERACLES – two phenomenal pigeons of Jonny Ekkel’s championsloft on the short & middle distance!
Among others: 2 full brothers of “ANNEMARIE” the best young bird in the Netherlands W.H.Z.B./ T.B.O.T.B. 2018, but also 1 out of a daughter of “ANNEMARIE” with “KOPEREN CO” (direct W.A. de Bruijn and already father of many toppers). Furthermore 1 youngster from HERACLES who was crowned 5th best middle distance pigeon PIPA ranking 2017 and also 8th in the National competition “de Allerbeste”. HERACLES was also ranked 13th at the Olympiad in Poznan despite the fact that HERACLES did not participate in all flights.
More info:
Jonny Ekkel selected 7 pigeons for his auction at Pigeoncom – only from his BEST pigeons !! Note: the sex of the pigeons is considered correct by Jonny Ekkel, but is not 100% guaranteed. All pigeons in this auction are in the loft of Jonny Ekkel in Vriezenveen. Note for the auction winners: please contact Jonny Ekkel to arrange a date & time to collect your pigeons.
For more information (about this auction) please contact JONNY EKKEL.
Tel: (+31) (0)610241557
E-mail: jonnyenannemarieekkel@gmail.com