M. & R. Tekin – Medemblik
Mister Perpignan…Mevlut Tekin…! Since that beautiful day in july 2016 every pigeon fancier in the whole wide world who is specialized in Marathon flights knows the name Tekin! The winners of the 1st & 2nd International Perpignan 2016 at probably the longest distance ever, far away in the province Noord-Holland, near the Waddenzee/Noordzee!! Unique! Never done before, 1 & 2 International!! A day which Mevlut and Ramazan will never forget in their entire life…
M. & R. Tekin have an extraordinary high-quality breedingloft with numerous DIRECT children of “New Laureaat”, “The Special One”& “Kleine Jade” (all three pigeons are international Barcelona winners!!) and “Zwart Goud” (the famous stock pigeon of Jelle Jellema). But Mevlut and Ramazan also have a unique and very exclusive brother of “New Laureaat” from Luc Wiels. Furthermore their breedingloft is based on their own precious champions “Sultan” & “First Lady” . “Sultan” is the 1st International Perpignan and “First Lady” is the 2nd International Perpignan.
These two were the pigeons that have put Mevlut in the International spotlights and despite the tempting offers they got for Sultan & First Lady, their decision was made: these pigeons will become the foundation of one of the best extreme long distance lofts of The Netherlands. To fulfill their dream of winning another International classic marathonrace since the double victory, Mevlut and Ramazan are continously enriching their breedingloft with the best pigeons! They now have the best from Hugo Batenburg, Jelle Jellema and Kees Droog (children from “Ad Rem” and jointbreeding with children from “Kleine Jade”), but also from Frederik Leliaert’s “Tarzan” 1st National Sint Vincent ZLU and “Horus” 1st National Bordeaux. As far as we are concerned, it will just be a matter of time before we read the name M.&R. Tekin on top of the charts again!
The pigeons in this auction are amixture of summer and later bred youngsters.
Note: the gender of the pigeons from 2018 is considered correct by Mevlut and Ramazan Tekin, but not 100% guaranteed.
All the pigeons offered come from the very best Jellema, Batenburg and Droog breeders as well as from the Sultan/First Lady line of M. & R. Tekin.