M & S Kobal are father Stefan and son Mitja Kobal.
Some short history: Stefan was a pigeon fancier already in the “eighties”, but after a while he quit because he didn’t have enough time to take good care of his pigeons. In 2013 Stefan re-started the pigeon sport again together with Mitja. This time more professionally and with clear goals to become the best as possible. They built very nice racing and breeding lofts and invested in the best bloodlines in the world. Soon this paid off with several TOP results and worldwide top references.
Because of the very difficult terrain and weather conditions in Slovenia, M & S Kobal decided to invest in the best (extreme) long distance pigeons in the world. In their exclusive breedingloft, one can find the best from Batenburg – van de Merwe, Jelle Jellema, Jan Hooymans, PEC.
Batenburg – van de Merwe
The name of Batenburg – van de Merwe and extreme long distance racing have been connected ever since Hugo Batenburg’s first interest in pigeon racing decades ago. Hugo owned (together with PEC) the most impressive marathon colony in the world, which he has sold almost completely recently for a record amount. His exclusive collection included many National & International Barcelona winners of recent years! Mitja and Stefan Kobal have bought children of JEF, NEW LAUREAAT, NEW REMY & THE SPECIAL ONE !
In the nice breeding sections at the loft of Kobal there are children from the best breeders of Hugo Batenburg. Mitja and his father own probably one of the best breeding sons of NEW LAUREAAT ever, who is already the father and grandfather to winners of big races …!
Jelle Jellema
Jelle Jellema is currently the best marathon fancier in the world. Within a few years time, he has won many top prizes on international level, especially on Barcelona! Thanks to his outstanding pigeons based on two very good breeding pairs: ZWART GOUD x 02 and FONDKOPPEL (BERGERAC DOFFER x BLAUWE DAME). Since 2014, Jelle Jellema won the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th place International from Barcelona (race distance of 1258km) with KLEINE JADE, SILKE, SILVIE and SAAR. But he had as well a super Barcelona hen with ROOS, winner of 3rd National Barcelona and EVI who won 10th National Barcelona and 9th National Perpignan in one season!
In the breedingloft of Mitja and Stefan there are children of Jelle’s best bloodlines including a direct daughter of top breeder BLAUWE BENNO which is also the half-sister of SAAR on her mother’s side.
** All pigeons in this auction are in The Netherlands since the beginning of January ’23 !! **
** All pigeons in this auction are summer youngsters 2022 and ready for breeding !! **
The pigeons in this auction are bred in seperate breeding sections in the breedinglofts of M.&S. Kobal and their pedigrees can be therefore guaranteed for 100% !
Mitja Kobal selected 12 pigeons for his auction at Pigeoncom – youngsters (summer 2022) from his exclusive breeders !! Note: the sexe of the pigeons is considered correct by Mitja Kobal, but is not 100% guaranteed.
For more information please contact Mitja Kobal or Jeroen Hendriks – Pigeoncom.
Mobile Mitja Kobal: (+386) (0)41561541
Mobile Jeroen Hendriks: (+31) (0)655720428
E-mail: kob.mitja@gmail.com