Mart Derksen – Almelo
Mart and his grandfather Wim Derksen are toppers at the marathon for many years. In department 9 of the NPO, VNCC, Marathon Noord and Fondunie 2000 they are amongst the champions many times at the end of the season.
In 2018 they ended 2nd at the very prestigious championship Marathon Noord Morning Release (ZLU flights). Being second in a competition of the Marathon Noord is quite an achievement. It is only reserved for top pigeonfanciers. In this morning release competition, the flights Barcelona, Marseille and Perpignan matter. If you know that your competitors include Jelle Jellema, IJsbrand Kaptein, Verweij-de Haan, Kees Droog, Harold Zwiers, Comb. Hommes, Richard Kuijer & Zn and many more toppers then it’s great if you defeat these men and you can enter the podium second. In 2018 Wim and Mart Derksen from Almelo succeeded. An achievement that grandpa and grandson can look back on with great pleasure as it is their icing on the cake of year in year out delivering top performances!
The strain that Wim and Mart Derksen have mainly consists of pigeons from the wellknown Jelle Jellema. There is still a touch of the older strain which for the most part consists of Gebr. Brugemann and Herman Brinkman pigeons, but their current successes are primarily caused by the input of the Jellema x Batenburg x Koopman (Peiren) blood.
Mart is a very dedicated young man who goes for the very highest. Therefore he invested heavily in the best of the best from Jelle Jellema, Hugo Batenburg and Gerard Koopman (Red Bullens/Peiren) very recently. A unique chance for the bidders!
The youngsters which are offered by Mart Derksen are without any doubt super in the hand and in topcondition. Mart has done his utmost to deliver a select group of pigeons which are in line with our high Quality criteria! They are from his best Jellema breeders and new entries from Batenburg-van de Merwe (son THE SPECIAL ONE) and Gerard Koopman (son LEONIDAS). Mart believes that the sexes as mentioned on the pedigrees to be correct but not 100% guaranteed.