Mevlut Tekin – Medemblik
Mister Perpignan…Mevlut Tekin…! 1st and 2nd International Perpignan 2016 and one of the best Extreme Long Distance fanciers in the very strong ZLU province Noord-Holland. Mevlut and Ramazan Tekin have a very high-quality breedingloft with numerous DIRECT children of “New Laureaat” & “Special One” (Batenburg-van de Merwe), “Zwart Goud” (Jelle Jellema), “Tarzan” & “Horus” (Frederik Leliaert) and a full brother of “New Laureaat” from Luc Wiels. Furthermore their breedingloft is based on “Sultan” and “First Lady” and their best children. “Sultan” is the 1st International Perpignan and “First Lady” is the 2nd International Perpignan.
Those two pigeons have put Mevlut on the International charts, everyone knows him since that extremely powerful blast on Perpignan two years ago! Since the double victory, Mevlut Tekin also won the 1st Provincial Acepigeon Marathon ZLU in Noord-Holland and the 2nd Provincial Agen ZLU in 2017 and 23rd National Agen ZLU against 6.219 pigeons. Mevlut and Ramazan have resist the temptation of selling their two top birds as they imagined that both super pigeons would be the future pillars of the foundation of their breedingloft. “Sultan” and “First Lady” were put in the breedingloft after their heroic race in 2016 and since then Mevlut and his uncle Ramazan (who is responsible for the breedingloft) have the ambition to be part of the best marathon fanciers in The Netherlands. It is this drive that made them decide to invest heavily in uplifting their breedingloft to a next level by visiting Luc Wiels and Hugo Batenburg. Children of the International Barcelona winners “New Laureaat” and “Special One” were bought, as well as a full brother of “New Laureaat”. Super material to pair to their own “Sultan” and “First Lady” and their inbred children. To fulfill their dream of winning another International classic marathonrace, they have also enriched their breedingloft with a child of Frederik Leliaert’s “Tarzan” 1st National Sint Vincent ZLU and “Horus” 1st National Bordeaux. Together with direct children of superbreeders “Zwart Goud” from Jelle Jellema and children of the famous “Betuwekoppel” it will be a matter of time before the “Wilhelmus” is played for them again…