Long distance gold from Noord-Holland !! The foundation are Sam de Jong’s basic pigeons, which brought a.o. Nico Volkens and Jan Roelofs to the absolute top. Their basic couples “HET BONTE KOPPEL”, “DE 100 x DE 010” and “HET MONTAR KOPPEL”, all with pigeons from Sam de Jong as their origin became famous all over the world !
In the picture (l.) Nico Volkens, (m.) Sam de Jong, (r.) Peter Jaarsma (on the boat from Harlingen to “Waddeneiland” Vlieland)
Sam de Jong had a few superbreeders too, with as absolute number one, the “SUPERKWEKER 094”, ancestor of Sam de Jong’s loft. He is a son of the famous “DE 404” NL87-5799404 (son to “DE LIGTENBERG DOFFER” x “VAN ZELDEREN DUIVIN”) paired to the “BARCELONA 2”. The cock of the “MONTAR KOPPEL” is inbred to “DE LIGTENBERG DOFFER” x “VAN ZELDEREN DUIVIN”. Before she became a pillar under the foudation of the “Noordhollands fondsoort”, the “BARCELONA II” performed phenomenally in the Pyrenees races and won a.o. 34th National Barcelona 6,070 p., 68th National Barcelona 7,243 p., 54th National Perpignan 3,448 p. and 448th National Barcelona 8,102 p.
Here’s a short video of Sam de Jong on YouTube:
The “BARCELONA 2” is a daughter of the “BARCELONA 1”. The “BARCELONA 1” is mother to “DE 100”, “DE 010” and “DE 009” (hen of the “BONTE KOPPEL”). The hen of the “MONTAR KOPPEL” has a daughter of “HET BONTE KOPPEL” as mother. As you can see these worldfamous coujples are all related to each other and strong inbred !
In the province Noord-Holland alone, there are dozens of marathon fanciers who would not have become so extremely succesful without the input of the Sam de Jong pigeons through Sam’s pigeons or the three famous couples “BONTE KOPPEL”, “100×10” and “MONTAR KOPPEL” : NICO VOLKENS, JAN ROELOFS, KEES NIESTEN, CEES VAN DER LAAN, COMB. VERWEIJ – DE HAAN, MARLON KOK, GERTJAN RIGTER, DIRK PALS, KEES DROOG, GEBROEDERS JACOBS, LEO PRONK, DIRK & ELITSA VELDHUIS, COMB. HOMMES & ZNN and many, many others …
Many people fly very good with pigeons from Peter Jaarsma and the latest references are:
Sj. Grouwstra wins a 2nd International – mother direct Peter Jaarsma
Klaas Buwalda – 4 International – mother direct Peter Jaarsma
L. Bakker – 28 International – father direct Peter Jaarsma
Klaas Buwalda – 40 International Barcelona (1.318 km !!) ’24 – pigeon is direct Peter Jaarsma
5th (1st National Yearling) National Poznan at Valeriu Rosca in Romania – pigeon is direct Peter Jaarsma ! (see video below)
A few years ago Peter Jaarsma came into contact with Sam de Jong. At the time Sam has retired from the pigeonsport, but he had a few pigeons where he was very fond of, left from his old strain. These pigeons moved to Peter and with the help and advise of Sam (they call each other multiple times a week) Peter got kickstarted and became one of the most succesful fanciers in the province Friesland. You should know that Peter Jaarsma is living in Harlingen (look it up in the map of The Netherlands), close to the Waddenzee, far in the overflight !
Results of Peter Jaarsma on the ZLU flights in 2023 in sector 4 :
3, 7 Interprovincial s4 Narbonne ZLU
5 Interprovincial s4 Agen ZLU
10 Interprovincial s4 Barcelona ZLU
11 Interprovincial s4 Marseille ZLU
In 2024:
13, 31 Interprovincial Agen ZLU (3 pigeons basketted)
9, 28 Interprovincial Narbonne ZLU (3 pigeons basketted)
27, 48, 124 Interprovincial Barcelona ZLU (5 pigeons basketted)
Note: the sexe of the pigeons is considered correct by Peter Jaarsma, but is not 100% guaranteed.
For more information concerning the pigeons in this auction, please contact PETER JAARSMA:
Phone: +31 (0)651 966 149
Email: pjaarsma1@hotmail.com