The man with the golden bloodlines for real long-distance races! All based on the Jan Arden pigeons! Twan was born a long distance fancier. He started with the pigeons from v. Wanroy, and Jan Arden pigeons out of “131” and “DOLLE” (van Geel). They were the base of his colony. To make the family even stronger, Twan was always looking for better pigeons. He visited fanciers which were at the top of their fame with superior results at a speed not higher than 1000 m/m. He preferred the long distance races with extreme heat and head-wind. He never showed any interest in “night-flyers” but he preferred those that raced the long distances, on which they dominated with several pigeons at the top of the result.
Mark Gilbert wins the 1st National UK Barcelona and 6th International Barcelona against 16.524 pigeons with “SOUTHFIELD HISTORY” (the only pigeon ever (!) to make it home in the UK on the day of release) – the mother of “SOUTHFIELD HISTORY” is “BARCA 2”, direct Twan Bongers and a granddaughter of “KIMLYNN” (1st International Perpignan ’05) and she won the 17th International Barcelona against 21,169 pigeons in 2011 and is original from Twan Bongers !!
Looking for the best let Twan Bongers to Cor De Heide in Made. Cor’s pigeon family is also based on Jan Arden pigeons, and here Twan bought 30 pigeons out of the best. The “KLAMPER” lines came to the breeding loft of Twan, with big success! One of them was “SUPERKLAMPER” (grandchild of “KLAMPER”). He turned out to be a super breeder: 20 of his children raced in top 150 on the national races. Unique results from 1 pigeon!!
Later Twan also went to Jelle Jellema to buy pigeons. He bought from the absolute best, and these pigeons have been a great success crossed with his own Aarden family (see the pedigree of “Southfield History“) !
If there is one thing you can say about Twan Bongers it is that he doesn’t take half measures when he sets his mind to a goal. In his pigeon sport career this means: getting the very best long distance birds available. It is a goal Twan set for himself in the year 2000 and it is clear he has reached that goal. In fact, he reached that goal already way before today: as early as 2005 he already won the 1st International Perpignan against 22,319 pigeons over a distance of almost 1,016 kilometers with his “KIMLYNN”, named after his two daughters. That 1st International was of course also good for a 1st International hens against 4,859 pigeons and a 1st National against 6,300 pigeons, but it was not the only top performance of this fantastic pigeon. Earlier on she had already scored a 18th International Dax against 11,898 pigeons as well (6th National against 3,105 pigeons). In those days his loft was still considered to be developing, and rightly so, but nevertheless Twan managed to score among others a 36th St Vincent against 5,338 pigeons, a 16th Barcelona from 1,005 pigeons, a 21st Bergerac against 5,071 pigeons, a 13th Marseille against 3,840 pigeons and a 48th Dax against 3,516 pigeons in his Long Distance Club Zuiderkempen (NPO Sector 3).
Unfortunately, faced with a “pigeon fancier’s lung” Twan’s racing career came to an end in 2011 on doctor’s orders. Unwilling to give up pigeon racing however, Twan then entered into partnership with various fanciers, restricting his role to only breeding at his lofts in Odiliapeel. His cooperation with Dutch fanciers such as Frans Belleter of Nispen, Sjef Geurts of Klimmen and Tiny van Creij, German fancier Uwe Späth and UK fancier Tom Scott continued to yield top long distance results, as did the descendants of his birds on many other lofts.
Performances such as …
16th National (27th International) Agen ZLU against 10,579 pigeons, 12th National ZLU Narbonne, 1st NPO Sector 2 Bergerac in 2013
5th National Germany from Pau (25th International Pau), 53rd International Agen, 19th National St Vincent, 15th and 17th International Barcelona against 20,669 pigeons, 6th International Narbonne, 34th National Perpignan in 2014
12th NPO St. Vincent, 2nd and 15th NPO Cahors in 2015
7th NPO Bordeaux, 10th NPO Dax, etc. in 2016
15th National Tarbes, 54th National Barcelona, 2nd NPO Bordeaux, a Belgian 3rd National (and 9th International) Narbonne (with a grandson of “KIMLYNN”), 7th National Birzai (in Romania with a yearling from a 1,236 km race), 5th NPO St Vincent (11th National), etc. in 2017
1st National Perpignan, 2nd National Marseille, 15th National St Vincent, 12th National Barcelona, etc. in 2018
… have since then firmly established Twan Bongers’ name as one of the foremost marathon bird breeders of this generation.
In the above series we’ve not even mentioned the number of Provincial victories, top scores in International One Loft Races, acepigeons and super club performances Twan’s pigeons have scored. Suffice to say that if people like Patrick Philippens and Joost de Smeyter-Restiaan of Belgium, Mark Gilbert of the UK and M & C Hansen of Denmark, to name but a few, have found the way to the lofts of Odiliapeel, you can be sure there is some super quality to be found there.
References 2020-2021-2022-2023-2024:
Mark Gilbert wins the 1st National UK Barcelona and 6th International Barcelona against 16.524 pigeons with “SOUTHFIELD HISTORY” (the only pigeon ever (!) to make it home on the day in UK) – the mother of “SOUTHFIELD HISTORY” is “BARCA 2”, direct Twan Bongers and a granddaughter of “KIMLYNN” (1st International Perpignan ’05) and she won the 17th International Barcelona against 21,169 pigeons in 2011 herself !!
Poppeliers, Hapert, The Netherlands
1st National Agen 5.449 pigeons
Restiaen – de Smeyter, Belgium
A super pigeon BE19-4169495 granddaughter of Twan Bonger’s “NICEBOY” (son of Orion, Jellema) wins 18th Nat. Barcelona & 163rd Nat Perpignan. In ’22 she won 78th Nat. Barcelona and 8th Nat Perpignan. In ’21 she won 118th Nat. Barcelona.
Geert de Schepper, Belgium
92 Nat. Agen 5851p. with greatgrandchild Kimlynn & Superklamper
150 Nat Agen 6667p. with greatgrandchild Kimlynn & Superklamper
148 Nat. Narbonne 5000p. with greatgrandchild Kimlynn & Superklamper
146, 221 Nat. Narbonne 6100p. with greatgrandchild Kimlynn & Superklamper
Also in the blood of a real topper (mother is bred by Geert de Schepper) from Luc Luyckx, Belgium are the genes of the SUPERKLAMPER
12 Souillac 1404 p. with greatgrandchild Kimlynn & Superklamper
14 Aurillac 1497 p. with greatgrandchild Kimlynn & Superklamper
33 Limoges 1990 p. with greatgrandchild Kimlynn & Superklamper
48 Limoges 2859 p. with greatgrandchild Kimlynn & Superklamper
Hussain Al Dhahi, Saudi Arabia
50 National 1004 km. 9380p.
100 National 1004 km. 5137p.
Hussain Alhakeem, Saudi Arabia
42, 44 National 1004 km. 9380p.
Jurgen Schoukens, Belgium
3 National Agen with ggr child Kimlynn en fondkoppel Jellema
Michel Geurts, Klimmen
7 National Dax ZLU with granddaughter Marseille King (5e International Marseille.)
Christiaens de Smedt, Belgium
168 National Narbonne en 271 Nationaal Agen with grandson Superklamper (C. de Heijde)
86 National Agen (C. de Heijde)
170 National Narbonne with granddaughter Superklamper (C. de Heijde)
Luc Luyckx, Belgium
70 National Brive and & 3 more National prices 1:10 with ggrandchild Kimlynn & Superklamper.
Deniz Bahadir, Turkey
1 ace pigeon Marathon Kalasman with 3 prices above 800 km. Gr child Barca 3 x Jellema fondkoppel
Geert de Schepper, Belgium
44 National Perpignan with ggr son Superklamper & Kimlynn
John Hodgson, UK
5 open SNFC with granddaughter Barca 1
11 open SNFC with granddaughter Barca 1
14 open SNFC with granddaughter Barca 1
2 open SNFC Norte-sur Erdre with granddaughter Barca 1
28 open SNFC & 13 open SNFC Norte-sur Erdre and winner silver award in the Gold cup race with ggdtr Fondkoppel Jellema
1 Section & 2nd open SNFC with ggdtr Kimlynn
Verhagen – v.d. Steen (Netherlands)
23 National Perpignan 3,353 with a grandchild of “KIMLYNN”
5 NPO St Vincent 1,553
8 NPO Bergerac 1,021
A. & T. Wright (Norwich, England)
3 National Agen
Geert de Schepper (Belgium)
33, 133, 175 National Agen yearlings 6,058 with the lines of “NICEBOY“, “SUPERKLAMPER” & “KIMLYNN”
195 National Agen old 5,151
2 Provincial St Vincent = 96 National St Vincent 3,038 with a grandson of “SUPERKLAMPER”
308 National Pau 2,919 with a grandson of “SUPERKLAMPER” & “KIMLYNN”
93 National Perpignan 2,643 with grandson of “SUPERKLAMPER” & “KIMLYNN”
13 National Souillac zone, with a grandson of “SUPERKLAMPER”
The best (Inter-)National Perpignan pigeon of 2018-2019-2020 with his “PERPIGNAN” 15 Nat, 93 Nat, 138 Nat. (= grandson “SUPERKLAMPER” & “KIMLYNN”)
Haida Issa (Morocco)
15 National on a 854 km distance race
Goran Trailovic (Sweden)
1, 2, 4, 8 price winner with gretgranchildren of “SUPERKLAMPER”
Sugiyama (Japan)
2, 7 and 18 National 1,280 on a 1,000 race with 3 grandchilden of “KIMLYNN”
M&C Hansen (Denmark)
56 National Karlsruhe 896 km
M. Moody (Thornhill, England)
1 National Falaise with a grandson of “IRON MAN” (= son of “BARCA 13”)
Meeuwesen-Koks (Belgium)
38 National Narbonne 4,108
Hussain al Dhahi (Saudi Arabia)
12 National race 4,138
Hussain Alhakeem (Saudi Arabia)
1, 2, 3, 5, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22 284 km race against 1,918
2, 7, 21, 28 432 km race against 1,941
1 Semi-National 1004 km race 3,253
Geert de Schepper (Belgium)
6 National Ace KBDB long distance
8 National Ace KBDB long distance yearlings
9 National Marseille 1,883 with a greatgrandson of “,KIMLYNN” & “SUPERKLAMPER”
30 National Agen 6,938 with a greatgrandchild of “KIMLYNN”
43 National Narbonne 5,805 with a greatgrandchild of “KIMLYNN” & “SUPERKLAMPER”
74 National Barcelona 6,916 (same pigeon won as yearling 132 National Agen 5,995 & 163 National Narbonne 6,120)
110 National Brive 4,238
10 Nat Zone Souillac with a grandchild of “KIMLYNN” & “SUPERKLAMPER”
10 National Ace Souillac ’20/’21
20 National Agen yearlings 7,360 (28 International 17,759 with a grandchild of “KIMLYNN” & “SUPERKLAMPER”
Christof de Braeckeleer (Belgium)
21 National Agen 7,360 (29 International 17,759 with a grandson of “KIMLYNN” & “SUPERKLAMPER”
1e International best Barcelona racer 2020-2021 with a greatgrandson of “SUPERKLAMPER” (raced by Cor de Heijde)
R.Nijssen (Netherlands)
1 National Ace long distance with a greatgrandson of “KIMLYNN” & “SUPERKLAMPER” : 5 National Bordeaux 8.228, 1 National Bordeaux RA 3.437 = 1 NPO Bordeaux 2,307 (clocked 00.18 am), 3 National zone Agen 1,645 (clocked 6:06 am), 73 National Bergerac 3,188 (clocked 2.03 am)
Patrick Philippens (Belgium)
3 National zone Valence 1,465
Jean-Jacques Dimanche (France)
1st International Pau greatgranddaughter “ZWART GOUD” (via Twan Bongers)
Hussain Alhakeem (Saudi Arabia)
10 National race 4,680
Hussain Al Dhahi (Saudi Arabia)
13 National race 4,589
Verhagen – vd Steen (Netherlands)
60 National St Vincent with a greatgrandchild of “KIMLYNN”
Geert de Schepper (Belgium)
23 & 164 National Souillac 4,637 with a greatgrandchild of “KIMLYNN” & “SUPERKLAMPER”
18 Bourges 2,421 with a greatgrandchild of “KIMLYNN” & “SUPERKLAMPER”
208 National Agen 7,331 with a greatgrandchild of “KIMLYNN”
215 National Bourges 24,221 with a grandchild of “KIMLYNN”
2 and 10 National zone Libourne with a grandchild of “KIMLYNN” & S”SUPERKLAMPER”
104 National Libourne
23 National (62 International Marseille 9,806) with a grandchild of “KIMLYNN” & “SUPERKLAMPER”
Alexandre Caka (France)
22 Final OLR Viking
Christof de Braeckeleer (Belgium)
4th National Tulle
Note: the sexe of the pigeons is considered correct by Twan, but is not 100% guaranteed.
For more information concerning the pigeons in this auction, please contact TWAN BONGERS:
Tel: +31 (0)639 113 333
E-mail: twan.bongers@live.nl