Wim Scholten (Wapenveld) is a fancier who has developed into a great enthusiast for the pigeonsport in a short time. Wim started keeping racing pigeons in 2019 as a rookie in the sport. After the tricks were taught to him and Wim invested in top pigeons, his pigeon carreer started as a rocket!

He immediately became a topper, not only with his horses, but with his pigeons too. Wim achieved top results especially the last two years (only 3 years after his first steps in the pigeonsport … ).


Wim’s profession is breeding sport horses (jumping and dressage) and he moved from equestrian sports to pigeon racing.

Some of Wim’s best results in 2022-2023:

1 NPO Gien 3.372

4, 5 Bierges 2.558

4, 5, 17 Bierges 1.482

5 Tongeren 3.882

6, 7, 10, 11 Moeskroen 1.289

7 Morlincourt 3.440

7 Chalons 2.844

7, 9 Chimay 2.409

8 NPO Gray 1.637

9, 14 Bierges 4.873

10 Chimay 2.200

12 NPO Issoudun 2.226

12 Chateaudun 1.159

13 NPO La Ferte 3.749

14 Morlincourt 3.784

15 Tongeren 4.896

15 Morlincourt 4.488

16 Morlincourt 4.848

19 NPO Nanteuil 2.073

This resulted among others in the following championship: 10th National Champion Young pigeons ’22


In 2023, Wim Scholten managed to win, among others, a 1st NPO Gien in the entire NPO dpt.8 against 3,372 pigeons with “FIRST ONE“!



Wim Scholten purchased pigeons from the best lines and best pigeons from the best allround fanciers in The Netherlands a.o. :
Tj. & J. Elzinga
C. & G. Koopman
R.A. Bakker & Zn
Comb. Fokkinga
Johan de Vries
Henri Diks
The late Henri van den Berg


In this top auction Wim Scholten offers 6 exclusive youngsters from the best ONE DAY LONG DISTANCE pigeons in the Netherlands !



Note: the sexe of the pigeons in this auction is guaranteed, due to DNA certification.

For more information concerning the pigeons in this auction, please contact WIM SCHOLTEN:

Tel: +31 (0)621 207 860

E-mail: wimscholten@upcmail.nl




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