Wim Weerink – Wierden

We will talk about his pigeons in detail but not before we introduce you to Wim Weerink himself, who lives with his wife and children in Wierden, in the eastern part of The Netherlands, the area of many toppers at the extreme long distance. Wim owned a company in event catering, providing foods and drinks at festivals, events, company parties, etc.

He got involved in the sport through his grandfather and his nephew Hennie Scholten. His first long distance pigeons came from the loft of Jelle Jellema (who lived in Steggerda at the time), and from Vertelman & Son (Hoogkarspel). Wim has a racing loft of 10 metres wide that accommodates 95 racing birds, and a breeding loft with 15 pairs.



His current pigeon breed is founded on the following bloodlines: direct Jellema pigeons and Jellema pigeons from Jan Morsink. These Jellema pigeons come from the following lines: ZWART GOUD, ORION, EVI, SAFFIER, HAVIOK, JACKY, etc. In addition, Wim purchased birds directly from Vertelman, Winkens-Itteren, Hein van Gurp, G. Veerman, J. Van Schaijk (Gebroeders Jacobs), Wout van den Hoek and Jan Grootonk. But for sure the Jelle Jellema pigeons have played a defining role in the Wim Weerink pigeon breed.

Wim Weerink is one of the “big champs” in Oost Nederland and the National sector 3 and will focus more and more on the ZLU flights in the future. Looking at his very good Barcelona results of the past few years his competitors will definately have to fear the strenght of his loft on these flights too!

A few of his championships in recent years:

1st Marathon Champion dpt 9 Oost Nederland

1st and 5th Ace Marathon dpt 9 Oost Nederland

4th Marathon Champion dpt 9 Oost Nederland

1st VNCC (Extreme long distance Union)

1st and 3rd Ace Marathon VNCC

4th Marathon Champion VNCC

1st Champions League Marathon VNCC


Best results in recent years:

32 National Barcelona 4.838 (1/1, 100% prize!)

86, 91 National s3 St Vincent 2.714

46 National s3 Cahors 3.261

13 National s3 Dax 2.357

15 NPO Bergerac 3.412

270, 293 National Barcelona (2/3 pigeons prize!)

35, 49 NPO Limoges

13, 14 NPO St Vincent – 42, 43 National St Vincent 2.958

8 NPO Bergerac I – 28 National s3 Bergerac 1.936

20, 27, 69, 79, 89, 111, 113 NPO Bergerac II – 62, 94 National s3 Bergerac 7.429

3, 11, 30, 58, 67, 69, 86, 93 NPO Limoges

8, 35 NPO St Vincent – 23 National s3 St Vincent 3.013

5, 93 NPO Perigueux – 16 National Perigueux 7.112

13, 80, 81, 95 NPO Orange

5, 15, 27 NPO Bergerac – 16, 60 National Bergerac 7.410

87, 284 National Barcelona 3.912 (2/2, 100% prize!)

4, 12, 19, 20, 30, 47, 54, 58, 76, 93, 96 NPO Limoges 1.319 – 1st National Grootmeester !

4, 10, 19, 43, 45, 85 NPO St Vincent – 19, etc National s3 St Vincent 2.726

25, 29, 35, 98 NPO Dax

12, 41, 44, 47 NPO Orange

3, 13, 14, 39, 75, 81, 82, 89, 101 NPO Perigueux – 8, 30, 31 National Perigueux 13.425

1 NPO Limoges 1.269

13, 27 National Perigueux 7.102

27 National s3 Dax 2.573

26, 39, 48 National Bergerac 6.219 pigeons



Wim Weerink  is an absolute topper in the NPO dpt 9 Oost Nederland, the VNCC and the National sector 3 of the NPO !!

                                                                A TOP AUCTION !!


Note: the sex of the pigeons is considered correct by Wim Weerink, but is not 100% guaranteed.

For more information (about this auction) please contact WIM WEERINK:

Tel: (+31) (0)651212837

E-mail: wimweerink@hetnet.nl




Ends: 8 Feb 2025 14:00

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